8 | Charlene

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What a rush! My heart continued to pound with pure excitement and arousal, my bra was clipped on the wrong setting, and my underwear was beyond unwearable 一 but I really didn't mind. For the first time ever, I understood all those magazines and articles on 'sexual intercourse' and everything that follows. It was amazing. Derrick was truly something special and, goodness, did he make me feel all sorts of ways. Ways words will not ever be able to describe. I loved it. I knew I loved him.
It wasn't too soon to say that. I felt the same way about him as I felt towards my cats, perhaps even more love. And if that doesn't support the love I have for him, I'm not sure what does.
I was relatively upset that I had to leave Derrick's house so soon. There wasn't a lot said after it, all we did was half-way cuddle. I dozed off for a few minutes but woke feeling restless. I was hoping for a house tour, or a conversation, or both, but meeting Jonah for a minute or so was just as nice. They looked very similar, Derrick and Jonah. Similar styles and similar faces. It was cute. I loved when things looked really similar.
That's why a lot of my cats have the same coat color.
The walk to my house from Derrick's was relatively far, as he lived in town and my house was residing more toward the countryside, but the walk didn't bother me. My new cat, Morgan, however, was not enjoying being held for so long. After being traumatized from running from the school and what happened at Derrick's house, he wasn't enjoying my company. He squirmed and hissed every-now-and-then, but after a quick shift to my other arm and a few pets, he would somewhat calm down and begin to purr.
My other cats will love him; they loved everybody. The last person who my cats didn't like was my old friend Samantha. She ended up calling the police on me for some weird reason, but they never came to my house. Something about the reason being "too unharmful" or something. Samantha hasn't talked to me in quite a few years, but that's alright because I had my cats to hang out with anyway. And Derrick, now, too.
My mind still hadn't completely grasped the entire situation. Derrick, dating him, having sex with him. In just a few days, I went from friendless (except my cats) to in a relationship that was already a few levels in. I couldn't be making this relationship up, not this time. It was all too real, and I was slowly realizing that and feeling the happiness in me grow.
I finally reached my house after about an hour and a half. My already sore legs were even more worn out and my arms were tired from carrying Morgan. Sadly, my Mom was home. I didn't want her meeting Morgan yet. She would have a fit if she saw another cat, despite them never being out. She made me keep them in the spare bedroom, saying the cats "ruin the look of the rooms" but I never understood what she meant. They're cats, not objects. She felt otherwise, though.
Stepping up on the old, worn down porch, the boards creaking under me, I grabbed the door handle and pushed. The old, junky door took a few kicks in order to open properly, as well as a few kicks to close. As I removed my shoes, I looked around frantically to make sure Mom wasn't around to see Morgan. I figured she was in the kitchen or the bathroom, so I had a clear shot to the backroom.
I tossed my backpack over the couch, turned down the hall, and made a dash to the backroom, wanting Morgan to meet his new family. But just before I could open the door, my Mom's bedroom door opened slowly, then completely, and she glared at me incredulously.
"Charlene," her voice hissed out. "Did you bring another cat home?" She was mad, very mad, pure anger and disgust radiating from her voice. Mom and I had a very, very good relationship. She was my best friend next to my cats. But when it came to the cats, she wasn't supportive. She didn't like how many I had and how I treated them. I tucked Morgan behind my arm in an attempt to hide him, but it was too late. "You know what I said. You know I don't want you bringing any more cats into our house to add to your collection!"
I opened the spare bedroom door enough to put my leg in. "He was alone and he's starving, and he needed a home."
"Well take him to the shelter! He'll have a better life there. Not here, Charlene, and you know that. I'm tired of you bringing so many cats into this house!"
I rolled my eyes and shifted Morgan. "I'm keeping him. My cats will love him, and you should too." I pushed the rest of my body into the room, making sure the door didn't open enough for Mom to see the extent of my collection.

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