Your attitude and their behavior!

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One day, I had it. I finally did refuse to be somebody who will always do what they would tell me to do. I changed from being inferior to other people by acknowledging the rights and decisions that I want. From being a puppet, I now control my strings. I am directing my life.

I believe that I changed for the better. I began to value my happiness instead of others. I'm making sure that I can be who I am as much as possible. I don't want to hide and deny how I feel anymore. I am fighting for my happiness.

Ask them, and you'll hear a different story. Everybody might tell you that I've lost manners or became ignorant because of the change I brought to myself. And I expected that no one would understand my side.

I know that I am not perfect, that I'm not always right, nor do I think they are. I am aware of everyone's attitude towards every person they know. And I wouldn't be so proud to tell how many of them are equally treated.

Even if I want to forget all the hurtful words I heard back then, I can't erase the fact that they've been part of my life. Some of them motivated me to become better and be who I am. They may have hurt me, but they lifted me as well.

Did I change for the worse? All I did was make myself a priority over others. I wanted to give myself the chance to be a priority. I want to have all the time that I needed before giving it away to help others. It's the best decision that I've been afraid to take on for a long time.

And now, I don't have to because I'm fed up of living my life like how others want me to. I will direct my life and bring changes to my own volition. I will live my life, and I won't let anybody tell me how I should live it.

"People will notice the change in your attitude towards them, but won't notice their behavior that made you change." - Anon

Why do others only know what they only know? Why do other people don't want bad attitudes from others that they have themselves?

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