If I Tell You

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If I tell you my story, will your faces and eyes disappear? 

If I bring you my anger, shame, and fear, will you run and hide? 

If I bring you stories where I've been harmed, will you use them to harm me?

If I bring you stories where I have caused others and myself great harm, will you shame me and walk away in disgust? 

If I bring you tears, will you mock them? 

If I bring you my scars, will you use them to deepen and bloody them? 

If I bring you my hopes and dreams, will your laughter be filled with disdain or will it be filled with glory and redemption of Heaven? 

If I tell you or show you the places where sin and shame still lie, will you turn away, seeing me unfit to speak the name of the lover of my soul before you? 

If I tell you stories too horrid to believe, will you leave me sitting alone in the dark or will you join in my horror and weeping until we see light? 

If you are one I consider my friend, will you protect me in my weaknesses? Speak truth into depravity? Will you name beauty when it immerges? 

If I tell you my story, will you walk away saying, "In God all things are good?", or will you walk away from God and me? 

If I tell you my story, will you use it against yourself, me, and God? Or will you see God's beauty and learn to hate evil?

When I've spoken my final words in this life...

When I've told my last story...

Will you have experienced God's love through me? Will you have seen God? 

After hearing my last words, will you in turn risk standing naked and in turn go tell the story of God written in your soul and on your face? 

Will you stand at my grave and smile at me one more time? 

Will you keep me company until the end of all ages? 

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