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I lay here, standing alone and still as I look up toward the sky, that looks like it's about to cry

Gently, it sheds a tear, pouring down on me for comfort, on my transparent existence as I close my eyes

Opening my eyes, I watch the monochrome world pass through the window sill, realising that the world wouldn't notice my absence 

Feverishly and sick, I run eagerly toward the only place I can call home, within your loving arms, but I pass through instead

Loneliness begins to fester, as all of the lives on the street pass me by 

For a brief moment, our eyes connect, yet they do not notice me as a ghost fades in lost reflection 

It was someone else, not me

What gives value to the soul? 

Will there be anyone to notice me and join me, in order to ease the harshness of my journey, to give colour to this monochrome existence we all live in mindlessly? 

But all I loved and tried to keep was lost with no avail 

Did I lose something along the way? Did the world change or was it truly on me? 

Whispering to the passing, wistful street, this burdened soul experiences lethargy

I hope that if we ever meet, it may keep the world from turning bleak

Will I ever find someone who will see me for who I am? Or will I slowly disappear into the shadows of our past? 

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