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i had never really noticed the sun before you. never cared for it's touch of light and warmth, and to my shame, sometimes disliking it when it appeared.
but, my weary and disconsolate days have become more full and meaningful since the sun has been around, brightening my day every minute, warming my very soul and blood. i fall asleep with a hidden smile on my face; a smile i have spent these past years sharing only with my glowing companion, the moon. the moon was there for me every single day and night, the moon understood me before i even understood myself. the moon knew what i needed without me having to utter a word. the moon was silent, it's gravitational force coaxing me towards it, like it's pull on the serene, calm oceans. since you, i have come to appreciate the burning bright star of a sun even more, grateful for it's delicate and soothing warmth, keeping me safe and away from the cold; creating sunsets and a summery balm for my heart.

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