Tell me you Love me

10 4 3

tell me you love me,

for i feel love withering away,

as if i'd held no worth in your heart, 

you discarded me, 

threw me into a dust bin of 

conquests, held your posture 

while mine melted into 


Tell me you love me,

because i've given it all to you, 

gave you my heart and kept none 

of it for myself, 

you've returned it to me in 

in fragments~ in an old postcard

I'd tried to make of it stained glass,

but no glue can repair it.

Tell me you love me, 

because without you,

I feel the desperation crawling 

in my throat and 

I gasp

Gasp for the air you've stolen, 

Gasp because I hadn't exhaled,

Gasped because i'd forgotten 

I could breathe.

Tell me you hate me,

because I did,

And you did me ever so wrong,

and the hatred you'd feel would 

give me the least bit of reassurances 

that even an inch of you misses 

the touch of my body upon yours.

Tell me to heal~

I whisper alone,

and I do.

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