If Ibuki Wrote A Love Song

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Ibuki: Heheh, you peeps wanna know how I write a love song eh?

Author-Chan: I can already tell that it's gonna go wrong in a instant-

Ibuki: Oh be quiet! laughs a little

Author-Chan: So Ibuki, who do ya like?

Ibuki: small blush  Ibuki will not tell you that...

Author-Chan: Okay if you wrote a love song, then how would you sing it?


Author-Chan: Okay then sing it!

Ibuki: OKAY! IBUKI WILL SING FOR AUTHOR-CHAN! plucks her electric guitar strings gently and sings softly

Author-Chan: Hmm, that's some pretty good shit-

Ibuki: screaming and plucking the strings aggressively and head banging

Author-Chan: I knew it!!! XD

A few head banging and screaming later...

Ibuki: So how did you like it?

Author-Chan: Not bad! If you don't count my ears bleeding...

Ibuki: OH NOES! I MADE AUTHOR-CHAN BLEED! yeets a tissue box at me

Author-Chan: takes two tissues and puts both of them on my ears  Thanks mate!

Ibuki: No problem!

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