Happy Birthday To The Gamer Girl Chiaki Nanami!!

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Ibuki: OH YEAH GUYS! YOU KNOW WHO'S BIRTHDAY IT IS TODAY! Wanna do the honors Author-Chan?

Author-Chan: Sure! IT'S CHIAKI'S BIRTHDAY TODAYYYYY! And also it's Pi day today! ^^

Ibuki: Are we gonna have Pie or cake?

Author-Chan: That's a good question-

Kazuichi: How about both? That sounds good right?

Author-Chan: Sure.

Kazuichi: Awwww yeaaah! Wait a minute...Who's bringing the cake and the Pie???

Sonia: Don't worry Kazuichi! I got the cake!

Kazuichi: W-what about the pie Miss Sonia?

Hajime: I got it too!

Kazuichi: Oh goody good good!

Gundham: Tis a wonderous day today. The demon king is taking his slumber for this glorious day.

Sonia: Yes Indeed!

Gundham: Luckily I have my Four Dark Devas Of Destruction to accompany me incase you fiends try anything.

Author-Chan: Let's hope Nagito won't go crazy with the lighter like last time..

Hajime: Yeah, that almost turned into a disaster.

Mahiru: This time, I brought the lighter.

Hiyoko: I got the party poppers!

Ibuki: Ibuki thought she got them-

Hiyoko: Haha! Guess not loser!

Nagito: I'm here!

Peko: I'm also here incase Nagito tries anything..

Author-Chan: Is Fuyuhiko coming?

Peko: He will be coming soon.

Teruteru: Don't forget to give me credit for the food guys!

Author-Chan: Ok, Twogami is on the lookout incase Chiaki comes here so you guys better prepare!

Nekomaru: Okay! I'll be in charge of the decorations and make sure Akane doesn't eat any of the food Teruteru made.

Akane: But it looks soooooooo gooooooooood....

Nekomaru: Hold it in until we're done Akane.

Akane: Okay..

Author-Chan: Sounds good Nekomaru!

Mikan: I h-hope I'm not l-late.

Hiyoko: You're always late pig barf!

Mikan: I-I'm sorry I was l-late! (╥﹏╥)

Author-Chan: hugs the poor child

Nagito: Ahh..I can imagine all the hope-filled smiles I see once this starts. Hahah this is gonna be good!

Author-Chan: I guess so

Fuyuhiko: I'm here you guys. Hey, where's Nanami?

Author-Chan: Twogami is gonna let me know on the Walkie-Talkie and this is also a surprise party for our wonderful class rep!

Fuyuhiko: Alright

Author-Chan: Since you guys are here, we should be fine-

Twogami: Chiaki's coming here now!

Author-Chan: N-now?!

Twogami: Yes! Like that note we gave her telling her to come here.


Everybody except me: grabs their party poppers and hides under the tables

Nagito: This is gonna be good-

Author-Chan: HIDE GODDAMMIT! turns the light out and goes next to the light and grabs my party popper

Nagito: Okay okay. hides under the table

Author-Chan: whispers  Here she comes!

Chiaki: opens the door  Oh..No one's here. I guess I'll go-

Author-Chan: turns the light on and pops my party popper 🎉

Everybody else: follows along with me 🎉🎉🎉

Chiaki: Woah!

Everybody: Happy birthday Chiaki Nanamiii!!!

Chiaki: Wow! What's all of this?

Ibuki: It's a surprise party made by us and it was all for you!

Chiaki: Wow, you guys shouldn't have!

Author-Chan: There's Cake and Pie if you want!

Chiaki: Thank you!

Author-Chan: No problem!

Hajime: Hey Chiaki.

Chiaki: Hmm?

Hajime: Here you go. This is for you. gives her a Brand New Nintendo Switch

Chiaki: I've always wanted this! Thanks Hajime!

Hajime: No problem!

Nekomaru: pets Chiaki  Hahahah, We prepared this for ya because you're the shit!!

Author-Chan: Oh my god Nekomaru 🤭 snickers

Chiaki: You guys shouldn't have...😊

Usami: We'd do anything for a classmate!

Ibuki: You're kinda late but okay.

Usami: Aw man..I missed all of the good parts.

Chiaki: It's ok Usami. At least you got to the part that you guys sing the Happy Birthday song to me.

Ibuki: Hahaha, Ibuki almost forgot about that.

Peko: You always forget things do you?

Ibuki: I don't have a good memory okay?

Author-Chan: Enough with the Chit-Chat, let's sing this already!

Usami: Sounds good!

Author-Chan: Okay, On 3! 1......2.......3! Sing!

Everybody: Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Dear Chiakiiiii, Happy Birthday to you!! applauses, claps, and cheers

Nagito: Now let me cut that cake for you guys-

Everybody: No

Nagito: Okay okay I was just trying to help but okay! 😅

Peko: I'll cut the cake and the Pie.

Ibuki: Understandable.

Author-Chan: Yeah, I can agree on that.

Kazuichi: Now let's eat some cake and some pie guys!

Akane: OH HELL YEAH!!! TIME TO CHOW DOWN!! wolfs down the food

Kazuichi: Hey Hey! Save some for us please!

Akane: Don't worry, I won't eat all of it! I'll save some for y'all!

Kazuichi: Oh good. Let's eat!

Ibuki: Yeah!

Happy Birthday To The Class Rep/Gamer Girl! 👾🎮

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