Chapter 4

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You know, the doctors said I wouldn't be able to walk, or even move. Well I jumped out that hospital bed quick as a whip. They said I'd take at least a half year to heal. Bitch do you see this? I'm sprinting across a football field in a month. I'm lifting weights. I'm doing flips. I'm shooting guns. I was told that I needed physical therapy to get myself in gear, I did it on my own. Now, I'm back on SWAT after two months.

"So it's true? Jessica decided to take the FBI job?" Chris asks.

"Yeah. She should be back in three weeks. But you know how these things go. Let's just play it by ear. Flames is out of physical, we'll be getting the news in a minute." Honda replies as I walk through the doors with tears in my eyes. "What's the word?"

"Yeah man you in or what?" Luca adds.

"I-I..." I look up at them with tears streaming down my face.

"Oh sweetie, it's okay. We aren't giving your spot away." Deac said and gave me a hug while I smirked in his chest.

"You-you..." I look up at him with hopeful eyes. "You just got pranked." I smirk and they all fake groan. "You all suck." I laugh and they flip me off before I jog to the cafeteria.

I see Jim in there with some other girl, the Commander's daughter I think her name was Maria- no. Molly. Yeah Molly Hicks.

I look at her, and she is all over him. Hand on the bicep, giggling at everything, blushing, tucking hair behind her ear. What the fuck is wrong with her? That is my man. I press my ear to the door to try and hear their conversation. "I'm just saying Jim, you could do so much better. She's not worth your time." I was breathing fire out my nose by now.

"Yeah you're right. I was just gonna keep 'er for a bit then drop her off with some guy, let them have their fun with her." They laugh and I feel tears well up in my eyes. I turn on my heel and match to the boxing ring.

"Someone please tell me they're willing to get their ass handed to them because I," I clench and unclench my fists. "Am so fucking pissed at the moment." I hear giggling and see Hicks with Street again, and they hugged. They fucking hugged. I clenched my jaw and threw a punch at the punching bag next to me, knocking it off the chain and scratching the skin in my knuckles to make it bleed.

"I'll see you tonight Jim?" Molly asks with a wink.

"Yeah I'll pick you up. Bye Molly." He kisses her cheek- how fucking dare he! What the absolute fuck?!

"Bye Jim." She giggles and walks off, swaying her hips. Street turns to me and smiled, only for me to turn on my heel and drag Hondo into the ring.

"Trouble in paradise?" He asks as I deliver a bone shattering punch to his jaw.

"You could say that." I grunt and roundhouse kick his face. He grabs my leg and flips me over his shoulder, only for me to wrap my legs around his neck and choke him. "Little Ms. Hicks has decided to flirt with Street, and I'm not even going to get into details." I snarl and Hondo taps on my leg, signaling for me to let go.

"You should talk to him. Tell him how you feel. She's not his type anyways." Chris says and I raise a brow.

"She's female. That's the only type that Street likes." I run a hand through my hair, feeling a light sheen of sweat.

"Guys we have kidnappings. Hicks wants us in command." Luca said and I follow him.

"What's the word Mr. Man?" I ask and Hicks smiles at me before turning to the screen.

"We have a confirmed video of three women being kidnapped, all about five foot, all blonde haired, all blue eyed. All women in important roles." Hicks showed me some videos, it was odd. They were targeting women in high status with blonde hair? Why blonde hair?

"So how much intel do we have?" I question.

"Not much. Every woman who was kidnapped happened in Los Angelos, had a high status, blonde hair, and had no kids."

"So how are we supposed to get these guys?" Hondo pointed to the screen.

"The guns. The serial number is on the trigger. I'll have Luca run it."

"Ashley you think you can go undercover?" Hicks turned to me. "It may put you in a lot of danger but we'll have a tracker on you."

"Undercover sounds fun. Let me get my alibis looked at before I decide though. There's something about the way they move.... the women saw them coming. The women chose to ignore six men with guns. Get their credit cards, phone records, bills, friends and family all checked out. Something's off here."

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