Chapter 6

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So you know how everyone said kids will be the best thing you'll ever make? Aha, wrong. I don't like this whole being pregnant and taking nine months off thing.

Sitting in the armory I literally just stared at the clock, begging time to speed up. Soon I'll have to tell Jim and the team; not something I look forward to. Which is why Deac is my new best friend. As the only one with kids he can- hopefully- give me advice. "You wanted to talk to me?" Deacon asked as he walked in, looking a bit worried. "Commander said you got laid off the case. What's that about?"

"Can we go somewhere more... private?"

"Yeah sure." Deac lead the way to one of the most secluded parts of HQ, a hidden spot under a flight of stairs I had found when I was a kid. Luca had been bugging me all day and so I needed a place to hide. "What's going on with you, Ash? Keeping secrets from the team isn't like you."

"You're right. And for that, I am truly sorry. I just needed a few days to wrap my head around it all. It's kinda sudden which is why I need to talk to you and not anybody else." Deac raised a brow and I sighed. "So you know how Jim and I are together?"

"Yeah.. did he do something?"

"Heavens no! Well- kinda... I guess." Deacon took my hands in his, looking me in the eyes. "It's complicated."

"Is he cheating?" I laugh, shaking my head.

"We talked about that actually. Molly is an old friend and she's lesbian. Nothing to worry about there."

"So what is it?" I sigh once more before deciding to spit it out.

"I'm kinda sorta.... I'mpregnantandGodDeacodon'tknowwhattodolikewillheevenwantachildorwillhebreakupwitgmedoIevenhavethemoneytokeepmykiddoIevenwanttokeepmykid-"

"Okay, slow down. Deep breath. Now repeat back to me what you just said."

"I am Groot." Deac snorted before falling into character.

"No! That's the button that'll kill everyone! Try again!"

"I am Groot?" A nod. "I am Groot?" A nod once more. "I am Groot."

"Nooooo!" We laughed before I put on a serious face.

"I'm pregnant." I blurted and quickly covered my mouth as Deacon's eyes widened. "Jesus Kay if you tell a single soul I will kill you."

"I'm not gonna tell anyone, Flames. This is amazing news. Is it Street's?"

"No it's yours, yes it's Jim's!" I yelled, throwing my hands up in the air.

"Good to know you haven't lost your touch, Flames. But you know you have to tell the team, and especially Street, right?" I sighed but nodded, letting Deac pull me in a hug.

"Can I bunk at yours for the weekend? I'll watch the kids for you and Annie and I'll pay you guys of course. I just need out of my own house and somewhere Street wouldn't think I would be. I plan on getting away from this whole SWAT thing for the weekend and coming back refreshed. That is if you aren't on call of course." Deac shrugged as we stood, walking up the stairs towards the tech room.

"I shouldn't be on call and I'm sure Annie would love it if you watched the kids for the weekend. But I'll talk to her and settle it out, okay? Friday while I'm stuck here you and Annie can talk about whatever it is pregnant women talk about." I scoffed and hit the back of his head, changing my pace to get there quicker. "You know you are one, accept it!" He laughed, getting curious glances from the team.

"But what if I don't want to be?" I raised a brow, eliciting a gasp from Deac. "I'm kidding, Serge. It's kinda cool kinda not."

"Okay, spill the tea. What's got you two all happy?" Victor questioned, a smirk on his face. "Street you know what's going on?"

"Not a clue." Jim replied as he walked over to give me a quick kiss on the lips. "But I'll find out, right baby?" I pretended to think about it for a second.

"No." I shook my head. "I'd rather you didn't." Jim rolled his eyes at my playful banter before placing a hand on my lower back. "But yes, you'll find out when I'm ready for you to find out."

"How come Deacs finds out before I do?" He pouted and I chuckled.

"If it makes you feel better he wasn't my first choice." I laughed at Deac who had a fake shocked and hurt face. "I thought about Luca since I've known him since I was born but he would tell you and I don't want that. Chris was my second choice but she has enough in her plate, I thought about Hondo but he'd just laugh at me, Victor would tell me I was stupid. And so that left Deac."

"Wow. I feel loved." Deacon sighed. "So loved."

"I'm kidding. You were my second choice. Chris was my third and Jimmy here isn't gonna find out until I'm ready to tell him." Pickles. My body thought and I internally gagged. With peanut butterrrrrrr." I'm hungry. Does anyone know if we have pickles and peanut butter in the fridge?"

"You hate pickles and peanut butter. What's up with you today?" Luca raised a brow.

"Don't judge my sudden cravings. Might be that time of month or something." I shrugged and leaned against Jim who smiled at me. "I love you, pretty boy."

"I love you too doll." I smiled at the pet name and he kissed my nose. Looking back at the screen I furrowed my brows. "What's wrong?"

"I know him..." The man had jet black hair and cerulean blue eyes. A scar was on his lip the size of a staple. "I was in a bar with my friends. He came and apologized because his friends were hitting on us. Hailed me a cab and made sure I got home safe. Is he a suspect?"

"A victim." Tan replied and I raised a brow. "He's in the hospital. He has a major concussion and a shattered leg along with the bullet holes in his chest. But he'll live." I sighed in relief. Something about him just made me want to protect him with my life.

"You know, I think I'll pay him a visit. See what he knows." A nod from Hondo and I was out the door. And not to the hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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