Being worthy and getting advice

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"Oh come on. Seriously!" Clint threw his hands up in exasperation. Rhodey and Bucky mirrored his frustration. Both whining to the god whose hammer sat atop the TV remote. Thor just laughed.

Natasha sipped her morning coffee leisurely, her novel sitting on the ottoman at her feet. It had been a calm, relaxing morning; until the rest of the team woke up. "You know that the more you complain, the more he enjoys it." She shot a glare to the archer as his whining grew more incessant.

"She's right, you know." Tony sat down on the couch opposite Thor and the whining men. He left enough room for Peter to sit while keeping his distance from Loki. The god of mischief may have changed his ways, but that didn't mean he had to be friendly with him.

"Who's always right?" Peter asked, plopping down beside his dad, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

Tony wrapped an arm across Peter's shoulders, instinctively pulling him against his side. He couldn't help but ruffle Peter's curls; his hair already fluffed up like a halo from a good night's sleep. A halo, Tony thought, how accurate.

"Your aunt." Tony placed a quick kiss on his son's forehead.

"Of course, she is." Peter grinned at his aunt. "Как ты, мама паука?" (How're you, momma spider?)

"Im штрафа мой ребенок паук. Как ваши дела." (I'm fine, my baby spider. How are you?) She set her coffee aside in favor of fussing over her nephew, cooing softly at Peter's adorably mussed hair and sleepy expression.

"тоже." (Me too.) He murmured, leaning into her touch. Ever the tactile one. "О чем они ноют?" (What are they whining about?) He nodded towards Clint, Bucky, Rhodey, and now Bruce that were chastising Thor over his hammer's placement.

"Они идиоты." (They're idiots) Tasha mumbled into Peter's curls, eliciting a small laugh from the boy.

"What's with you, guys?" Peter looked at Tony.

"Thor's trolling them," Tony smirked, his amusement evident. "He put his hammer, milnora, or mojohn or whatever it's called on the tv remote."

"Why don't you guys just move it?" He asked innocently, only to be met with laughter.

"Quiet." Loki snapped, his posture tense as he addressed the men then. "Spider child." His voice softened completely while addressing Peter. A rare, genuine smile, reserved only for Peter gracing his lips. "Lift the hammer. I know you can."

A hush fell over the room as Peter stood and cautiously approached the hammer. His hand wavered just above the handle, but he made no move to grab it. Tony nodded in encouragement, his calm demeanor masking how worried and curious he was.

Carefully, afraid of accidentally breaking it, Peter grasped the handle - taking no notice to the darkening clouds outside - and pulled.

Thunder cracked across the sky, and lightning danced through the clouds as he brought the hammer above his head. He cried out and quickly went to cover his ears - nearly knocking himself out in the process. But the storm vanished as soon as it had come. Fluffy white clouds and sunny blue skies returned as the storm dissipated.

"What the fuck!" Bucky looked from Peter to the now crystal clear skies. "You all saw that, right? Like, it wasn't just me?"

"No." Bruce nodded numbly, his shocked expression mirroring everyone else's. "I saw it too."

"This is a lot lighter than I thought it would be." Peter tossed the weapon from hand to hand, not fully aware of what 'being worthy of the power of Thor' entailed. Electricity sparked through him, purple tendrils of lightning arcing around his hands and onto the hammer. It didn't hurt. If anything, it was invigorating.

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