Try Something New

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"You enjoy this way too much, Swan." Hook muttered as he sat at the table, Emma leaned over and placed a plate of...something in front of him. He glanced at it, poked it with his fork a few times before looking back up at her, "What. The. Bloody. Hell. Is. This?" He enunciated each word and tried to hide his disgust -he failed-.

"It's sushi." Emma responded as she sat down across from him and draped a napkin over her lap.

"What the hell is sushi?!" Hook demanded, glaring at the food on his plate as though it would jump up and attack him. Emma raised her eyebrows at him and took a sip of her wine, before giving him her best "grow up" look.

"It's raw fish....wrapped in seaweed, there's normally rice in there somewhere too." She picked one of the small circles up with chopsticks -at least that's what he thought Emma had called them- and popped it in her mouth.

"Raw fish? Swan are you-that doesn't ev-I would really prefer not to eat this." Hook looked absolutely flabbergasted, he glanced back at the pale concoction on his plate. "You're sure you're  not trying to kill me?"

"After what we did last night? No, I'm not trying to kill you. Just eat it...please??" Emma groaned, taking another -very long- gulp of her wine.

"I'm trusting you."

"Very big mistake." Emma muttered, popping another piece of her sushi into her mouth. She watched Hook attempt picking up his food and then very gingerly getting it the tiniest taste into his mouth. As soon as it passed his lips he grimaced.

"I believe I'm going to be sick." He quickly excused himself from his seat and made his way to the restroom. Emma sighed and picked up his plate, putting what was left from his onto hers before getting up and going to the fridge. She pulled out the ingredients for a plain old ham sandwich and started slapping it together.

"So much for trying new things." Emma mumbled.

"Oh I'm all for trying new things." Hook's arms wrapped around her as she gave a small yelp. He was very good at scaring her, before she elbowed him roughly. "Just not where food is concerned." Emma tried to bite back a grin. She felt Hook's warm breath on her neck and tried to concentrate.

"Would you just eat your sandwich?"

"There's not raw fish...or-" he shuddered, "seaweed in this right?"

"No, there is not." Emma sighed sitting back down across from him. She looked heavenward as he bit hungrily into the sandwich.

"This, this is what food is supposed to taste like, Swan!" He declared around a mouthful of food. He downed the food quite quickly and finished off the rum Emma had poured for him. He looked at her expectantly. "Are you almost done?" He asked.

"Almost, why?" Emma raised her eyebrows and popped the last piece of Hook's sushi into her mouth. He stood slowly from his chair and made his way over to her, leaning low he whispered softly into her ear.

"Because I'd like to try something new." Then he was gone.

Emma swallowed her food and downed the rest of her wine, pouring herself another round -she would need it-. Pushing the plates to the center of the table she followed after Hook. He might be a pain in the ass sometimes...but...he had his moments.

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