Chapter 1

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Bright light, all I see is bright light. It took me a minute for my eyes to adjust the light. The white ceiling is all I see. I look around to find myself in a hospital room, on a bed.

  A door was being opened, and a man walked through. The man looks familiar, but I don't know from where. He still didn't realize I am awake.

He looked up, that's when our eyes met, and my heart started to beat fast. My heart rate monitor started to make loud peeping. His eyes widened and started to walk towards me.

"Emerson, you are awake." He exclaimed taking my face in his hand. I pull back from his hand and sit up.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. Why is he here? Is he the one that caused the incident he wanted me to suffer that much? What did I ever do to him that would drive him to that extent?

"What do you mean?" he asked raising his eyebrows

"I am here because you are my wife, my love."

"No, I will never be your wife. Aren't you the one that got me in this incident in the first place?"  I yelled out. Not understanding what he is saying.

My heart rate monitor started to beep fast and loud, that's when the door is open fast, and in came two nurses and the doctor.

"What happened?" the doctor asked. The nurses started to look at my injuries and check my vitals.

"I don't know, but she started to shout when she saw me," Ares answered.

"How are you feeling Mrs. Black?" The Doctor asked.

"I am not married to him, so why are you calling me Mrs. Black. My last name is Davis." I exclaimed aloud. Why is everyone thinks I am married to him? I never in millions of years marry him I hate him.

"So Ms. Davis you know him, but you are not married to him right?" he explained to me.

"Yes," I answered.

"Where do you know him from then MS. Davis?" The doctor asked.

"He is in my school," I answered again.

"MS. Davis what year is it?" he asked

"It's 2014," I answered.

"Ms. Davis I think I know what is happening here." He said, "you seem to be suffering from memory loss."

"You are saying she can't remember anything from the last six years." Ares can't seem to grasp the idea. He storms out from the room anger evident in his eyes.

That's when the door is opened and in came to my parents, Jake, Adalyn, Valerie, three babies, and two unknown people and the nurses left. The babies look so cute that I want to kiss them.

"My baby!" mom shouted with a baby in her hands. She walked fast towards me.

"Mom I am so happy to see you," I said hugging her. And then came in dad hugging and thanking God that I am okay.

"Em!" Adalyn and Valerie shouted running and taking me a bone-crushing hug.

"Get your fat asses of me," I exclaimed. They backed a bit and then attacked me again.

"What don't you understand idiots get off me?" I shouted again.

"We just miss you, Emerson, you were out for a month now," Adalyn said both of them pulling away.

"I have been out for one month," I said not believing what she just said.

Jake came and hugged me too. But the unknown people are still unknown to me.

"I am sorry if I am being disrespectful, but who are you?" I asked the man and the woman

"You don't remember us, darling, we are your in-laws." The woman said sadness filling her voice.

"Mr. and Mrs. Black I am sorry to inform you but she is suffering from memory loss. She forgot the last six years of her life." The doctor explained.

"So she doesn't remember her kids?" Mrs. Black asked

"I have kids!" I yelled

"Yes, Emerson you have three and you are married to Ares," Valerie explained.

"So these babies are mine?" I asked

"Yes," Dad answered standing up and giving me a baby that looked exactly like Ares, but a mini version.

"That's your firstborn, Atlas." Mom informed me.

Atlas looked so cute, he is going to be a charmer when he grows up I thought.

Adalyn took him and gave me another one.

"That's Nile, your baby girl." She said.

This baby girl is mine and I am sure about. She is baby version of me, but her eyes are from her father.

Dad took her and gave me the last baby.

"That's Kyrell the last one." Ares came in telling me my baby's name.

"I think we should leave them together." My mother in-law said.

They left the babies beside me and left the room.

I looked down to see my third. He has features from me and Ares. He is the only one that has my eyes.

"Emerson, I think we should talk."

Looking up at him, his eyes looked it had been crying, but I don't know how but it hurts me to see him like this.

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