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Benji's POV

Cammie and I woke up early. When she was younger and I didn't hate her as much, I'd take her out of crib to watch me play Just Dance in the basement. That was always fun.

As I was brushing my teeth, I saw her struggling to brush her hair. I obviously helped, since she did me a really big favor anyways. I washed her hair and then helped her brush.

Benji: You're italian, you get your knots from Dad. You should keep your hair down more often, it's really pretty like that.

Cammie: Thanks...

Benji: You're really either a bitch or an angel.

Cammie: You can be a jerk too. If anything, I get it from you.

When I realized she was right, I stopped talking to her. Neither of us liked being wrong. We had that.

Benji: Get dressed, you have a big day ahead of you.

A Twisted Love|| A BenJey StoryWhere stories live. Discover now