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It was a week ago when I received a strange phone call from someone called "J" like the one in my dream.

My eyes widen as I got speechless and ended the call quickly because I was so scared.

"Hey, can you arrange these books?" I was in the public library today with Mark oppa for the summer job that Koeun unnie suggested

"Sure." I said to him as I quickly get to work. I heard my phone ring again as I saw the same number who called me a week ago. I was hesitant to answer it but nonetheless, I did.

"Sorry about last week it's just—"

"No, it's fine. I would also be startled if it happened to me. It was wrong for me to call the middle of the night."

"No it was rude of me to just end the call and ignore you for weeks." I said then sighed, "by the way, how did you know me? And is J really your name?"

"Ah no, it's just my nickname, I'm Yoo Jimin. We'll be roommates next semester."

"Roommates?" I did remember applying for a dorm at the university once I passed but I haven't really talked to Koeun unnie about it yet "already?"

"They already assigned the dorms since the seniors graduated. They also gave me your name and number so that we can maybe move in early together once we enrolled."

I blinked twice before clearing my throat.

"I haven't enrolled yet," I said "I haven't planned it out yet."

"That's fine, I planned to take up Engineering at first but I really don't feel like doing that so I was contemplating wheter to take up Fine Arts or Architecture since I really like drawing—"

"Jimin-ssi, can I call you back? I need to do some work."

"Oh, yeah sorry no problem. Nice talking to you, Hina-ssi."

The call ended like that. I instantly went up to Mark oppa to get off work early to talk to Koeun and also enroll in the university.

He agreed with a smile and told me to be safe when going home. Immediately after that, Koeun unnie called and asked me to go to the university first to work on my papers and enrollment fees.

As I was walking my way down to Yonsei, I noticed someone at the other side of the road feeding a stray cat, he was wearing his bicycle helmet and a pair of colorful glasses. I stopped my tracks and noticed how he was crouched down and petting the small feline even though it's dirty.

"How cute." I commented to myself and started walking again until I reached the university.

It took me a good half an hour to finish the whole process of enrolling and filling up some details since I'll be applying for the scholarship program.

I got a call from Koeun unnie when it was already 5PM, it was the end of her shift that time.

"Eo, unnie-ah"

"You're moving out? Staying at the dorms? Hina, why didn't you talked to me about this?"

"I know you'll not approve." My voice was as low as possible, "I'm sorry, really."

"Let's talk when you get home, Hina."

The call ended like that. It'll be a long talk for sure considering how upset Koeun unnie sounded.

As I was walking my way outside the university, I saw a strange figure staring down at me from afar. I squinted my eyes to take a closer look at him until someone bumped me that I almost fell face down on the ground.

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