Hoping Up is Living Up

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When we used to be kids, we were so in a rush to grow old, to do this and that and everything. Now being an adult we feel like childhood was the best than ever.
And why is that? It's because we are facing a lot of troubles, some still couldn't graduate and many of us couldn't have the opportunity to get admitted into an University. Many of us got graduated but still couldn't find any job.
And here comes our society to make us feel more worse.

And another part of struggle is, emotional struggle, breaking up with partners, getting taken for granted, being cheated on, being bullied and so on. Some get through it and some cannot and chooses to do suicide.

But at least think once, is that what you wanted? Is that really so suffocating than fighting everyday? Aren't we all dealing with something personal or professional? So what? Should we be hopeless thinking we're good for nothing? Or forget about our Almighty, who's still there to have our back covered with blessings?

Everyone has something different in them. So what? Your batch mates are graduating and you cannot? You'll be, someday, anyday it's just not with your friends, not even tommorow. That Doesn't mean you cannot graduate.

Getting no job, it's okay. You'll get it someday, just not today or tomorrow. Hold onto your patience. Don't give up.

If you are failing at something, it's okay. You don't need to blame yourself. We're not perfect. Take things easy on you. You'll see you're different. Know your worth and fight everyday. Isn't it a good thing, struggling teaches us a lot that a less struggling man would never know?
Have faith in you, believe in yourself. Believe in Almighty.

Hoping up higher is the ultimate solution of living up higher.
A message from a guy who doesn't know when he'll be graduating.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2019 ⏰

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