chapter one

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one week before

my eyes flutter open to the sound of someone knocking on my door. i sit up in my bed and rub my eyes, looking around for my clock. i then find my clock and look at the time, 1:30pm.

a familiar, muffled voice came from the outside of my door and said my name. "anna wake up." they said, knocking again.

i pull my blankets off my legs and stand up from my bed. "i'm coming!" i said, looking around for a sweatshirt.

i grab a black sweatshirt off my nightstand and put it on before slipping on my slippers.

"this hot chocolate is going to melt, hurry up!" they said again, knocking on my door as i did.

i rush to my door and open it. standing in front of my door was alex with a hot chocolate in one hand and along with a glazed donut in the other.

a smile plastered on my face as i began to blush. "alexxx." i said, taking the hot chocolate he handed to me from his hand.

i wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug, carefully not trying to spill the hot chocolate on him. "thank you." i said to him.

he pulls away from the hug and smiles at me, "you're welcome" he says.

he put his hand in his pockets and shivered his bottom jaw. i noticed that he didn't have a jacket on when i studied his features more.

his lips were chapped, his hair was messy, and he had on a pink t-shirt with black skinny jeans on. "where's your jacket?" i asked him.

"you have all of my sweatshirts, dingis." he joked, but i could tell he wanted to come in.

"do you want to come in?" i asked, pointing my thumb back into my dorm.

he smiled and ran his hands through his black hair. "i thought haillie didn't want me coming anymore because we mess up her beauty sleep." he says, leaning his elbow against the door frame.

"well haillie is in the shower." i said, looking up at him and smiling.

"but what if she has like cameras or smell detectors that smell my scent when i come in?" he jokes.

i playfully rolled my eyes and grabbed his wrist, pulling him inside. "just get in." i say.

i put my hot chocolate on top of my nightstand and lay down on my bed. i watch alex take off his shoes and stretch before he gets into the bed with me.

he pulls me onto his chest and started to rub my back, silence filled the room as he did.

"if you could go back in time and change one thing, what would you change?" alex asked me, breaking the silence.

"well that's a random question." i chuckled.

"i didn't like it being silent, i like listening to your voice." he smiles.

i hide my face into his chest and blush, smiling as i did. "but seriously though, what would you change?" he asked.

i adjusted my head to the crook of his neck. "well.." i say, playing with his fingers, "i would change the way that i did things."

"why's that?"

i shrugged and sat up in the bed. "because if i did things differently, then the mistakes i made would've never happened."

he sat up with me in bed, "well what where those mistakes?" he asked.

"that's a secret i'll never tell." i smiled.

the bathroom door opens to reveal haillie in a bathroom towel with steam coming from behind her. "times us love bugs." she says before alex gets up from my bed.

i sighed and got up as well, watching haillie pushing alex towards the door. "out!" she said.

she pushed him into the hallway of the dormitory. "anna i'll call you" he says, right before haillie slams the door shut.

i sat down on my and bed looked up at the ceiling fan on my ceiling. "why do you hate him so much?" i asked.

haillie was at her side of the room picking out her outfit from her drawer. "because he's going to break your heart." she says as she went through her drawer.

i sit up in my bed and cross my legs. "how do you know that?" i asked her.

she took her clothes started to walk back to the bathroom to change. "because i just do." she smiled at me before closing the door.

sighing, i heard my phone ding from a text message. i turn on my phone to see that alex texted me.

meet me at the library :)

i read over the text and stared at it for a little as i zoned out.

haillies right, he's going to break your heart

my subconscious always says some bullshit stuff, he will never hurt me.

i pick up my phone put in my passcode, texting him back.


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