chapter two

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i walked into the library as the smell of old books went through my nose, I always loved the smell of old books.

I looked down at my phone and looked at the time, 12:47.

he's never on time, i can't remember a time that he was. if he's not going to be here in the next two minutes then I'm calling him.

we've been talking for about two months now and I really like him. he treats me nice like the way I should be and i like that. i can definitely see future with him.

as I sat down at a study table, my phone buzzed from my back pocket. I dig it out my pocket to see that alex texted me.

running a little late, be there in 5

i hate it when he does this, it's literally the only thing he does that i dislike other wise he's absolutely perfect.

I don't see what haillie hates about him, he's so kind. how can she hate something so kind? and everytime I ask her about it she always dismisses it like it's something she literally can't talk about it.

okie dokie:)
also im at the study tables
read 12:50

I don't think he's going to break my heart, he just doesn't seem the type to break it. he told me he's different from the other boys, and I'm going to take his word for it.

I rested my chin into my palm as I scrolled through my phone. I went onto my camera just to see how I looked. what if I have a booger in my nose? what if my hair looks bad?

I noticed that my nose stud was popping out so I pushed i back in before I checked for boogers.

boogers? nope.

frizzy hair? nope.

I'm all good.

I sighed and turned off my phone as I crossed my arms and laid my head on my arms. I closed my eyes as I tried to get some rest even if it's just for five minutes.

alex and I both know that this five minutes is going to be longer.

he's probably out with another girl right now, that's why he's probably taking so damn wrong

i sit back up straight in the chair and check my phone again, 12:57. maybe hes running late, everyone runs late right? he would never.

it's winter break, maybe the weather is bad since he has to walk to the library.

I look out the window, it isn't snowing. The only snow out is the snow that was put to the side after it snowed a couple days ago.

maybe I'm just overreacting. we're not even dating, nothing is official yet.

you're not overreacting

"hey sunshine." I hear from behind me, I turned around for alex standing over me smiling.

"hey!" i smiled back at him. he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a hug.

he sat down next to me and faced me as he put his hand on my knee. "sorry that I was late, my mom called me midway as I walking here and pissed me off about my grades."

I frowned, "what's wrong with your grades, i thought you brought them up?"

he sighs and runs his hands through his hair, "i may or may not have a d in history."

"that's literally and easy a class, how do you have a d, alex?" I asked him.

"look I'm not in the mood to be even more pissed about it right now." he says as he changed the subject, "right now I wanna be here with you. "

I felt my cheeks heat up as i blushed, he always knows how to make my day. "so what's up with you?" he says to me.

I shrug, "well i started reading this one book the other day and I can't stop reading it." I told him.

"that's nice, what's it about?" he asked me.

"it's about falling in love when you have no love left to give. even when you've been hurt in the past by the one thing you loved the most, you always end up finding something better to love. " I say as I summed it up. i didn't wanna bore him with the little parts of the book that I love the most from it.

I like to fantasize what it would be like to be in love again because I don't believe in love anymore, not after everything that happened.

"oh so like you and me?" alex says as he pointed to the both of us.

"huh?" I said as he caught me off guard.

"we're that something better for each other, right?" he asked.

"I guess so, but-"

"you know i love you, Anna, a lot. I care about you like no one other." he said as he reached for my hand and held it. "You love me too, don't you?"

"of course."

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