Mistakes were made

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(I just wanted to have Jeongin's side of the story)


I had Felix's soft plump lips on mine and it was euphoric, however I had a strong feeling in my gut as I felt him tense up in my arms.

Maybe it was guilt, but the overwhelming sensation of his lips on mine was masking it.

But as I was kissing Felix someone pulled him out of my arms and I was almost ready to fight because I've seen some of the men in this bar eyeing up lix.

So when I look up to comfort the date snatcher..


"I thought you were quite innocent Jeongin... but getting your boss drunk so you can mess around with him... that's not so innocent, so before I make a scene I suggest you get out of here."

The large figure that towered over me and Felix made me come back to reality and the slight tipsiness I was experiencing was gone.

Now I see what I've done and how I've messed up..

Before I could apologise and beg for the slight chase of forgiveness they were gone and I was left in the club... alone with this paining feeling of guilt...

I need to sit down...


I've been sat here for an hour just trying to collect myself and thinking of ways I can face Felix again.

"Hey kid... ya know if you had a crush on Felix you could've just wooed him the normal way."

I hear a voice come from behind me and I see a glass of water being pushed onto my hand.

I look up to see my senior Hyunjin bending down over me giving me a soft smile.

"Ha... Ye..yeah."

"Ya know you are innocent... it's just you've been influenced to make the wrong decisions and you were blinded by your obsession with Felix... like I get it Felix is a good looking guy..."

I could tell Hyunjin was trying to make me feel better but his words just made me kinda mad.

"I love Felix, it's not an obsess-"

"No Jeongin it's not love... it's obsession because if it was love you would've realised Felix is straight and you would respect that and not force him to get drunk and kiss him."

The words got me hard in the heart. I though I loved Felix ever since I first saw him... but is Hyunjin speaking the truth...

Was it just an obsession?

"Jeongin..." I feel Hyunjin's arm wrap around my neck comfortably. "Don't be sad... it's not worth it.. I'm speaking from experience..."

I sip on my water and hum in agreement, however I couldn't help but get interested in Hyunjin's story.

"If yo..you don't mind me asking.. but who made you heartbroken?"

He just softly chuckles and sighs.

"Well I wouldn't say it was heartbreak, but maybe heartfracture ya know? Haha... I liked this guy... and I tried super hard to make him fall for me, but in the end he said he had fallen for my friend... and you know what the worst part was.."

I shrugged but gave Hyunjin and all my attention because he seemed quite upset about the situation.

"My friend barely knew who he was and they had never spoken, so after I put all this effort into making Seungmin fall for me he ends up falling for Woojin..."

I was shocked to hear my friends name being mentioned...


Hyunjin downs his drink and let's out a small hum.

"Yep... but I can't force him to have feelings he oblivious can't have. There's the life lesson small Jeongin. Never force love, just let it come to you."

Yeah... I guess he's right...

"Thanks Hyunjin... I hope you don't looking at me badly now.."

Hyunjin was a really nice, cool senior, honestly Seungmin was stupid not to fall for him...

"Ha... Jeongin you made a mistake, everyone makes them when they're in the wrong situations. Just don't get to hung up on it, all you need to do is sincerely apologise to Felix"

Hyunjin sure does in know how to me feel better.

"I promise I will! Thank you Hyunjin"

I look at hyunjin and as I look into his eyes I feel this strong kind of feeling.


What's this kid doing to me... the way his innocent eyes are sparking in the light and the way he makes me butterflies in my stomach every time he speaks or looks at me.

But right now in this moment I don't know what it is but I feel this really strong feeling.


I start to lean forward and as I do I notice Jeongin lean in as well.

Maybe he feeling the same thing.


As I notice Hyunjin lean in, I feel my heart skip a beat and the strong feeling I have grows and without realising I lean forward as well.

I guess Hyunjin has the same feeling?

I feel his hand light brush the back of my head and his fingers softly play with my hair as we slowly get closer and closer to each other.

Just before our lips connected Hyunjin looked into my eyes, almost as if asking for permission and once again I feel the feeling get strong and I nod.

Instantly his lips were in mine and I felt so amazing the way his lips and mine fitted perfectly together made me feel like I was in cloud nine.

I felt like we were the only people in the world and there were fireworks going off everywhere.

As we kiss I remember what Hyunjin said...

"Never force love, just let it come to you..."

Maybe it's come to me...


Maybe it's come to me...

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