Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat #1

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(Instagram entered the chat)
Instagram: hey gals wassup?~
(Twitter entered the chat)
Twitter: nothing much~
Instagram: Where's Snapchat?
Twitter: idk
(Snapchat entered the chat)
Snapchat: I'm herereree
Instagram: coool
Twitter: what do you wanna talk about?
Instagram: ships duuh
Snapchat: oh, did you guys see TikTok and Vine today?
Twitter: oh yeah, the two love birds.
Instagram: they were so freaking cute~
Snapchat: ikr lol
[Snapchat sends Bitmoji Sticker of Ooh La La]
Twitter: Lol
Twitter: d'ya think YouTube and Facebook are dating?
Snapchat: nah.
Instagram: nah.
Twitter: why?
Snapchat: YT likes u
Instagram: youtube doesn't like Facebook he likes u
Twitter: ....
Twitter: wait really
Instagram: hell yeah
Snapchat: it's funny lol
Instagram: just shush and be sure he doesn't know we told you~
Twitter: how do you even know anyway? Were you being nosy again?
Snapchat: no he told me
Instagram: and then snap told me
Twitter: wait what
Snapchat: yeah I'm gonna go text him right now and send you a screen shot
Instagram: He doesn't know I know about it though~
Twitter: ok then. Go ahead. >:(
Snapchat: I will~


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