YouTube and Snapchat

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(Snapchat entered the chat)
Snapchat: hey YT
Snapchat: yoohoo
(YouTube entered the chat)
YouTube: Hey what I'm busy
Snapchat: do you still like Twitter~
YouTube: yeah why
Snapchat: nooo why would I
YouTube: knowing you Instagram probably knows...
Snapchat: I swear to my app she does not
YouTube: your crossin your fingers aren't you?
Snapchat: ugh fine she knows
YouTube: did ya tell her not to tell anyone?
Snapchat: YES
YouTube: ok I'll check later on...
(Snapchat takes screen shot of first bit without YT knowing)
Snapchat: ok bye I can see your busy
YouTube: indeed I am there are 47 videos I need to approve
Snapchat: ok have fun with that

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