Facebook and Instagram

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(Instagram entered the chat)
Instagram: hey bro u here
(Facebook entered the chat)
Facebook: yup
Instagram: Twitter's upset
Facebook: really?
Instagram: yeah. I don't know what I did. We just said.. actually never mind.
Facebook: what tell me
Instagram: we told her about YT's secret.
Facebook: secret? YouTube? Those are two things that don't go together.
Instagram: I know.. but like...
Facebook: tell me. I won't care.
Instagram: he hasn't told you yet?
Facebook: I mean apparently not.
Also Facebook: actually, I think I might already know. Give me a hint.
Instagram: It's gotta do with Twitter and feelings.
Facebook: oh... I know..
Instagram: ok then what is it
Facebook: YT likes Twitter. He told me.
Instagram: yeah..
Facebook: How do you know? We're you being nosy again?
Instagram: what bro no
Facebook: you say that every time
Instagram: no like I'm serious. YT told Snapchat and Snapchat told me.
Facebook: Snapchat?! Really? Isn't that practically telling your date that your cheating on them?
Instagram: don't ask me ask YT.
Also Instagram: I mean not literally but next time you see him.
Facebook: yeah, yeah. I will.
Also Facebook: well! I gotta be going sis.
Instagram: ok bye bro
Facebook: bye
(Facebook left the chat)
Instagram: siblings. Like really.
(Instagram left the chat)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2019 ⏰

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