YouTube and Reddit

626 17 2

(Reddit entered the chat)
Reddit: Hey Tube
Reddit: TUBEEE
Reddit: god man just fucking answer
(YouTube entered the chat)
YouTube: ok I'm here jeez
YouTube: I'm busy what do you want
Reddit: I'm sorry man
YouTube: for what
Reddit: I know about the fact you like Twitter..
YouTube: ....
YouTube: No I don't
Reddit: Snapchat told me it's fine
YouTube: ....
YouTube: fuck I should have made her promise
Reddit: it's fine I won't tell anyone 😉
YouTube: hmmmhmhmhmh ok
Reddit: why did you and Snapchat break up anyway
YouTube: because things just weren't working out :(
YouTube: we're friends now anyway
Reddit: yeah she said so :(
YouTube: T-T
Reddit: T-T
Reddit: ok bye lol
YouTube: no more texts >:(
Reddit: ok ;)
(YouTube left the chat)

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