Hanging around a strange Dirito

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~Dippers POV~
"STAY OUT OF MY MIND CIPHER!" I yelled at him "Dipper? What's going on exactly?" (Y/N) asked "what's going on is that your standing next to a insane maniac dream demon!!!" Mabel stated "aw how sweet shooting star thanks your not so great yourself" Bill said sarcastically. Why is he here.. more of HOW is he here?!?! "I'm here because of your precious friend (Y/N) here!" Bill stated obnoxiously "what do you mean?" Mabel asked confused "You wanna explain or are you confused as well?" Bill looked over to (Y/N) "uh I.. I don't know.." (Y/N) said. Bill growled in anger. "ugh, (Y/N) here was walking around in the forest and some how tripped over me.. read my little message on shaking my hand I Grant you anything! Ya and ofc the stupid meat sack listened and shook my hand" Bill explained. Oh no no no no no! "Yes yes yes pinetree!" Bill cooed. "(Y/N) why!? Why would you do that! He can destroy us all!!" I started panicking. "I'm sorry!! I don't know anything about him.. maybe he changed?" She stated worried. "HA! Dream on princess!" Bill laughed. "Now.. for the one problem of my start of the day.. what's your demands Petal?" Bill continued. "Petal?" (Y/N) asked "I'm guessing that's your symbal" Mabel stated out of the blue Mabel then pointed to (Y/N)s head which held a flower crown with many flower petals. "Presliy!" Bill commented. "I have no idea what to ask for." (Y/N) told him "your telling me.. i have to wait?!?!" Bill said quite annoyed. "W- what does that mean to you exactly" I didn't mean to stutter.. he keeps getting creepier by the second. "That means I have to stick with you meat sacks till you do come up with your demands."

Well that's all for tonight's I'm getting tired y'all gn!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2019 ⏰

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