Chapter Sixty-Eight: An Explanation of Love

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When Susan drove Cameron home she thought he would be crying but he wasn't. He was shivering with the cold and his teeth were chattering loudly. Thankfully there was a blanket in the trunk of her car and she wrapped it around him to give him so warmth but it didn't seem to make a lot of difference. He leaned against her shoulder and she liked how that felt. As they got close to their houses Susan thought about how if they didn't know anyone from Lovers of Light she would have needed to drive Cameron to a hospital and if he would be lucky enough to survive the night.


Cameron had no friends. That was the hard truth that Mr. Ryder had lived with for years when it came to his youngest son. With him being friendless Mr. Ryder had no idea of who he could ask for help. When it came to the kids at school he was always the butt of their jokes and as his father, that was a fact he was sick and tired of. All he could do was drive around the streets of Salinger hoping there would be some sign of Cameron but he couldn't find any. After several hours of driving, he was exhausted and had given up hope. When he saw a telephone booth he drove up to it and got out of the car. For one moment he saw a teenage girl walking towards it. So he ran like hell and the opened the door first.

"Hey," the teenage girl complained.

"FUCK OFF!" Mr. Ryder yelled.

Being yelled at like that scared the teenage girl, so she turned around and ran away. He didn't care that he had scared her as he had more important things to think about and once he was inside he quickly called home. The phone rang barely once before he was answered.

"Honey, is that you?" Mrs. Ryder asked quickly.

"Yes, it's me," he replied. "I can't find Cameron anywhere,"

"He's here," she said quickly. "Susan found him in the woods and she brought him home,"

"Oh, my God!" he cried.

Mr. Ryder collapsed on the floor of the telephone booth crying uncontrollably as no words could express how relieved he felt.


After Susan rescued Cameron and brought him home safely she was sent to bed two hours later by her parents. Cameron's parents naturally sent him to the hospital due to his exposure to the cold in the woods. She was happy he was safe but was annoyed that she couldn't stay overnight in the hospital. But Susan's annoyances were mild in comparison to what her parents knew they were going to face as there was no avoiding it. As they sat on their couch in the living room Stephen materialized in front of them and they never felt more terrified as he looked furious.

"Who do you think you are?" Stephen asked. "Cameron was in no danger and you thought you had the right to interfere by telling Susan where he was?"

They both knew that Stephen already knew what their answers were going to be but they felt a very strong need to express themselves when it came to their daughter.

"Susan brought up a very good point that apprentices are to be told in advance of any tests that are required of them," Mrs. Dean said. "So that's why we decided to help her,"

"I am your superior and you made this decision without my approval!" Stephen shouted.

"But why did you put Cameron through that test without warning him first?" Mr. Dean asked.

"Both of you have been involved in our cause for a long time and you should have realised that we're often faced with unpredictable situations," Stephen explained. "Now when those bullies abducted Cameron the perfect opportunity was presented to put him through that test. But thanks to your interference he'll have to go through that test again but he'll be better prepared for it because he'll know what to expect,"

Teenage Antichrist Book Two: A Journey of a Brother's Hatred 1990 - 1991Where stories live. Discover now