18 - Braxton

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Braxton's POV:


I needed to see her, needed to feel her touch, I needed to bury myself inside her, to lose myself inside of her. She was my centre, my touch stone, my angel, She was the one who kept me from going over the edge, the one who brought me back to earth so many times now - and nothing I had done, nothing I had confessed to her and believe me I confessed everything to her - but nothing had scared her off.
She fucking loved me, for who I was before, for who I am now and for the man I promise to be for her in the future. She gave me everything, she submitted to me, surrendered her body, shared her soul, her whole fucking life she gave to me and fuck if I wasn't a greedy bastard I was taking it all and right now I needed to feel her, I needed to be wrapped in her warmth, she was my whole world - I loved her more than I ever thought was possible for anyone to love someone - she belonged to me and I was totally and completely hers.

3 days I had spent being the other guy, the leader, the don, the boss, 3 days I have spent playing with my current toy - Maddox. What a guy - he was by far the toughest I'd had, had taken him a blow torch burning his freshly carved flesh to knock him the fuck out, even as I sliced the flesh from his back he wailed in pain.
I fucking loved it, I loved it when their screams pierced my eardrums, when their blood would drip down their bodies from the injuries I had caused them, but mostly I loved it when they begged, when they screamed for me to stop, pleaded for me to let them go, but my personal favourite - that was when they would start begging me to end them.

I stood at the front door of the house I had built just for her, a big house with plenty of space, lots of room for the kids I was desperate to put in her.
Looking down at my own clothes covered in blood and dirt I wondered if I should have cleaned myself up first but I had been so desperate to get to her. Fuck it - she had seen me in so much worse. I knew what she would say to me, I needed to get this out of my system if I wanted to have kids with her. She was right - as always but I really wanted us to have a kid - something that was made from each of us - of course I fucking wanted a kid with her. Fuck I'd even walk away from everything just to get her to have my kids.
She was running down the stairs only seconds after I closed the front door, her body slamming to mine, her lips taking my own as she pushed her tongue in my mouth, I could feel her tears falling, it was the same each time I had come home like this,

"Sshhh baby, I've got you"

"Brax" she sobbed, pulling back enough to look me up and down "The blood"

"It's not mine baby, I'm home and I'm ok"

She smiled at me, her soft hand grazing my cheek, I leant into her touch, so soft and gentle on my skin. Not saying a word she took my hand and led me upstairs, pulling me into the bathroom. I didn't once take my eyes off her as she turned the water on, checking the temperature before turning back to me and starting to strip me of my filthy clothing before removing her own. Holding my hand once more she led me under the warmth of the shower, allowing it to soak over my body for a few moments before she reached for the loofah and shower gel.
This woman was my everything, she knew what I needed from her without being asked or told, she looked after me, cared for me.
She sponged me down, cleaning my body entirely before starting on my hair, her fingernails scratching though my locks as she massaged my scalp. Placing her hands against my chest and smiling at me to let me know she was done, though she was no where near close enough, I needed to feel her skin against mine - it was, she was my addiction, my cure, my everything.


"Yes Brax"

"I need to lose myself inside of you"

She kissed me under the warm water, our tongues meeting and fighting for dominance which as usual she let me win, pulling away only to take my hand once more, before turning off the water and pulling me to our bedroom, stripping the blankets off the bed leaving only the black satin sheet, she laid down. Her legs spread, bent at the knees, feet flat on the mattress, her body open for me, exposed and waiting.
The beast inside of me was still clawing at the surface, he hadn't completely gone away yet, and I needed to fuck her hard and fast before I worshipped her they way she deserved. This wasn't the first time she had seen me like this and it wouldn't be the last - she knew what I needed and she gave it without complaint,

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