33 - Brax

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Brax's POV:

The days that followed the meeting at the warehouse were a blur, and as the weeks went passed we moved everything into place that Aiden planned. This idea of his had gotten things moving quickly and the remainder of whatever of Zander's supply was now safely stored in one of the Wolves warehouses, guarded by Wolves men.
Zander was down to barely a handful of men, including me and his anxiety and paranoia was heightening every day - almost like he knew his days were numbered.
To keep up the charade all the woman and children were moved under one roof while we were working for protection, my gorgeous fucking wife was there - everyday she would arrive attached to Aiden in some way and the sight of the two of the together near drove me insane thought was happy she had kept Jayden right out of it - I assume he was with her mother.
Still it was hard keeping my mouth shut and my hands to myself, to not take her and show everyone she was mine and the more time we spent here, the more I watched the way she was with Aiden,  the more I started to wonder if I still actually held the right to call her mine.


Today was fucked, well and truly fucked. I had spent the last few hours with Aiden, dismembering and disposing of yet another of Zander's people. This one was a shitty one - John - he wasn't a bad guy - just a guy that was sucked in by the promise of a life filled with easy women and money - lots and lots of money. Regardless he had to go - worst thing was he didn't even try to fight it - he didn't even beg for his life when I pressed the cold barrel of the gun to his temple, or even when Aiden slid the sharp blade across his throat - his time was over and he knew it - took it like a man.
Once we were done we cleaned the scene down with bleach and disposed of the body, torched the remains - the man named John no longer existed - his body nothing but a pile of ash and a few teeth.

It didn't take us long before we pulled up to the warehouse, honestly I craved nothing more than to lose myself in my girl, but it wasn't going to happen so for now I just had to play the game - this stupid shit I got us into in the first place. It didn't mean my heart stopped beating for a moment when we walked through the doors of the warehouse, her voice echoing across the large open room as she ran towards us,

"Oh thank god"

I stopped, frozen in place as I thought she was headed for me - but it wasn't me she was running to - her long golden legs which were on display from the denim shorts she was wearing wrapped around Aiden's waist as he lifted her, pressing his lips to hers as he comforted her. The white singlet top she was wearing hugged her body revealing the shape of the small belly that was now visible, she was showing and it was obvious now to most she was pregnant, what wasn't clear was that it was our baby that was growing inside her - the baby we had made together was stretching her body and yet here she was running into the arms of another man.

"Sshhh it's ok sweetheart, I'm here, I'm ok, everything is ok"

"Yeah" she pulled back from him, resting her head on his shoulder, when my eyes locked with hers which they widened in surprise to see me standing next to him, she hadn't even noticed I was with him until then - her entire focus had been on Aiden, her smile and her voice shivering with fear and a sigh of relief as she reached him. She bit her bottom lip as we stared at each other, and I could easily read the guilt which she was trying to keep hidden, though it definitely disappeared quick enough once Sarah made her way to my side, her small arms wrapping around my waist as she reached up to kiss my cheek ripping my gaze from Aria who instantly turned her head back to Aiden,

"Take me home Aid" the way he looked at her in that moment was unlike anything I had even seen in Aiden before, and it made my blood boil. Neither of them spoke to me as he placed her back down, linked his fingers with her and led her out of the building.

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