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""I am me.
I am you.
I am what you need me to be.
I am the wind, I am the stars, I am the deed, I am the sin.

I am me.
I am you.
I am what you need me to be.
I am the chancellor, I am the lord, I am the servant, I am the bait.

I am me.
I am you.
I am what you need me to be.
I am the star-crossed lover's hearts, I am the hater's spree, I am your dreams, I am your very fabric of reality.

I am because I exist. I am because I don't.
I am because I will. I am because you do.

I am me.
I am you.
I am what you need me to be.

I am.
I am.
I am who I am.""

This was the first of few interludes you are going to find in this tale.

By the time you reach the end,
all the interludes are going to connect with the story itself and form an intricately beautiful pattern.

Like a jigsaw puzzle.

You'll see.

Enjoy, read, vote, comment, share!!!

Live life as it is meant to be lived ;)

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