Chapter 1

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Persina and Gallow sat in a cave as rain fell to the ground. Both were soaking wet and both were slightly annoyed.

"Stupid rain, making me wet." Persina mumbled grumpily as she shivered.

"Are you cold too, Queen?" Gallow asked as he also shivered.

"What do you think Gallow?" She hissed as her wings trembled against her body and she balled herself up in the fetal position. Slowly Gallow approached her, scooting closer, and closer until he was pressed close up to her. Persina turned her head and gave him a questioning look. "What are you doing?" She asked with a suspicious look. Gallow's own black orbs stared down at her looking innocent.

"I'm just trying to keep my Queen warm." He responded. That's when he hunched his back down so he could rest his head on her and both pairs of his long, slender, arms began to wrap around her, and then his long tongue came out and Persina froze. He had her trapped with his body and he could easily plunge his tongue into her neck and drain her of her fluids. But instead he just licked at her antenna, then her sharp cheeks, then her neck. He had his upper pair of arms wrapped around her small chest, while the lower pair was gliding over her curves, down to her thighs, to in-between her legs. "G-Gallow. We shouldn't be doing this right now!" Persina snapped, but she couldn't hide the bright green blush to her cheeks and the nervousness in her tone. Gallow's thin abdomen curled towards her own, rubbing against it gently, causing Persina to let out a cry of pleasure.

"Why not, my Queen? I'm to be part of your high council. Why not start having larva early?" He asked with lust laced in his voice. His tongue extended and wrapped around her neck and licking it affectionately.

"Having larva would not be wise at the moment. We don't even have a hive yet!" She sputtered out as he continued to rub against her.

"This place could be our hive. It can be like the ants! You know, with all the chambers and tunnels, and such. At least until you kill your mother and take your rightful place on the throne." Gallow whispered as he became erect.

"Still, if this is to be our hive, we'll have to make it suitable to live in." She reasoned with the lustful male as she twisted her abdomen away from his. Slowly his tongue unraveled from her neck and returned to his mouth. She felt his heated body pull away from her as he leaned back, displaying his aedeagus. He was panting heavily as it curled and twisted. Though Persina wanted to relieve the heat between her striped thighs, but she resisted. However Gallow looked pathetic as he laid there trembling in anticipation. As Queen she had to make sure the members of her hive were happy right? She wasn't that cruel. Persina crawled towards the male and spread his legs, so her head could rest between them. She starts to give the tip of it small, shy, licks. She had never done anything like this after all. The male above her begins to moan, lightly bucking up into the air.

"My Queen~" He groaned as his body trembled violently. She then put the tip into her mouth, being mindful of her sharp mandibles. She wraps her hands around his phallus and pushes her head further down his length. She begins bobbing her head and wrapping her tongue around his tip. His lower pair of hands grip the horn-like edges of her head as he thrusts himself into her mouth. With a pathetic sounding whimper, he releases into her throat. Persina jerks her head back as she coughed up his seed. However she was quickly pulled into Gallow's embraced. "Thank you, my Queen. I never thought I would ever experience something like that." He held her in a shaky embrace, but loosened his grip at the sound of clicking.

"Well, well, well. I never thought I would witness a wasp and mosquito being so intimate with each other." A deep and smooth voice chuckled. Gallow and Persina looked behind them, and deep in the cave there was the silhouette of another Scardesian. Both Gallow and Persina were dwarfed by the mysterious stranger who appeared to be about nine feet tall. As he got closer, the pair could make out more of his features. His exoskeleton was smooth, but appeared to be hard, and his chitin was black, with a bright yellow abdomen. He had three pairs of arms with bright orange bands around his joints. His face was pure white, except for the eight black eyes and his black fangs. He was a orb weaver. "My you both look so tasty." He said seductively as he got closer. Gallow's tongue slipped out of his mouth and shielded the Persina from the new male. He let out a threatening hiss. This just made the spider-breed laugh. "Tell me, why is a female wasp and a male mosquito breeding, hmmm?" asked as he chewed on his pedipalps.

"The 'female wasp' is my Queen!" Gallow snapped at the spider. A glint of interest was in the orb weaver's eyes.

"How odd. Usually hives stick to their own breed. I wonder why you two are different?" He got closer to the pair. Persina stepped out from behind Gallow and cautiously approached the much larger male.

"Both me and Gallow were exiled. I plan on building my own hive, so I can get my revenge on my mother for casting me out. Gallow is going to be part of my high council." She explained to the spider trying not to seem scared.

"Interesting!" He exclaimed as he leaned down to her level. "Tell me this then. Why would you choose such a weak breed to be part of your high council when you could get much better?" The orb weaver licked at his fangs as he stared down at the female.

"Gallow is certainly not weak. He managed to take me out of the sky when we first met and his grip is rather strong." Persina argued, "Plus every ally is valuable when you plan on usurping a queen of a strong hive." The spider gave a small laugh.

"Since I find you interesting I'll make a deal with you. Let me eat your 'strong' friend, and I'll be part of your high council. Think about how strong our offspring would be. Much more superior than that of a mosquitos." The orb weaver persuaded as he began to rub Persina's shoulders. Gallow looked like he was about to piss himself. His fate was in the hands of Persina. As she feels the spiders torso press against her, Persina elbows him in his groin causing the orb weaver to let out a pained grunt and stepped away.

"How about you listen to my deal, spider." Persina hissed coldly, "You may be part of my high council and join me, but you will not eat any of my allies. Do you understand." The spider looked down at her with lust dancing in his black orbs.

"My, My, Darling. You hit quite hard. I wonder how much you'd strike me as I fucked you? Very well, I accept your deal, my Queen." The orb weaver gave a mocking bow. Gallow looked at Persina questioning her judgement.

"What's your name, spider." Persina asked even though it sounded more like a demand.

"Call me Raspgul, Darling.~" The orb weaver flirted as he leaned down to gaze at the small female. It seems Persina might have a chance to win against her mother. Maybe.

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