♥️ Signs That Show You Like Somebody

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Sometime, during third year of middle school...

"I think I like someone..."

"Whaaaaaat!?" You gasped. That was the first time ever that Senku had showed any kind of romantic feelings towards anyone.

'Wait. Isn't it too soon to assume the feelings are "romantic"? Maybe he is just talking about platonic feelings!'

"You mean... Platonically... Right???"

Senku shook his head 'no'.

"Then... Romantically???" Your voice got a bit squeaky.

Senku shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not sure."

"Hmm..." You hummed in thought.

"I know how we can figured that out!" You snapped your fingers.


Later during lunch break...

"What are the signs that you like someone?" Senku read what you typed in the G00G13 search bar on your phone.

"Yep! We are going to see what the internet has to say!" You brought a chair close to his desk and sat on it leaning on the desk so both of you could see the what was on the screen. Both of you blushed at the closure.

"I don't trust the internet much. Too much uncredited information..." Senku frowned. You nodded in agreement, but feeling a bit guilty because it was the internet that you depended on most of the time.

"Tee-hee." Both of you heard a giggle in the background. You turned to see Taiju and Yuzuriha standing at the classroom door.

"Yuzu! Taiju! What are you doing here?"

"Now I see why you left the classroom so quickly AND forgot your lunch as well." Yuzuriha said with a smirk and showed your dark red bento in her hands. You had brought one today instead of buying from the cafeteria because you were saving up money for a gift... "Mind if we join you?"

You glanced at Senku for permission. Romantic feelings are sorta a personal matter. You can't just share it with everyone.

"I guess it's better if we have more people to discuss about it. Especially when one of them is actually in love." He said looking at Taiju. He blushed as a response.

Your eyes widened in shock.

"How did you know Yuzuriha is in love!???"



"Y/N!" Yuzuriha rushed at your side and covered your mouth with her hands while sweating nervously. "D-Don't listen to her!"

You struggled to say something but all that could be heard was a muffled groan.

"I actually meant Taiju."

"Eh?" Yuzuriha loosened her grip.

"Omg we have three maidens in love then!" You squealed in delight.


"So why are you searching on the internet? Isn't most of the information there unverified information?" Yuzuriha asked.

"Geez guys, stop shading G00G13..." You said pouting, quilty for using it for acquiring any kind of information quickly.

Now that you had all calmed down and made yourselves comfortable around Senku's desk you continued your research.

"But I knew that so that's why I'm choosing..." You scrolled a bit down to see the search results. "THIS site!" You tapped something and a site started loading.

"Wow! It's an official research!? Fully credited by the government!?" Senku said fully surprised.

"Yep yep! Two STEM students researched about "10 signs that show you are in love". It's the same for pretty much everyone. They also have the conditions of the best mood for a kiss. Depending on these factors..." You turned the screen towards Senku so he could see the equations. "The best score you can get is 100 MD (mood) points. Depending on a) the people who are paying attention to you b) the amount of decibels, 20 decibels is considered the limit, if it's more then points are getting deducted, c) how much light there is at the location d) the beauty of the location and e) the amount spent staring at each other which is about thirty seconds! Hmm.. That does sound as the most ideal conditions for a kiss indeed..." You trailed of.

"Is that so Ponytail?" Senku raised an eyebrow smirking. Realising what you said made you blush.

"Sorry my fangirl side got about out of control there... Ahahahahaha....ha.."


You researched a bit more, some articles were getting a bit too intimate and discreet. Eventually you got hungry and gave up. Senku said that he would research about it more when he got home. He was taking this so seriously so you came to the conclusion that he either is very confused about his feelings or cares a lot about the person concerning those feelings. Maybe a bit of both.

"So you didn't tell me who these feeling are about~" You asked him on your way home. Yuzuriha and Taiju had walked ahead at a great enough distance from you, so they wouldn't hear you if you spoke now.

"It's..." Senku glanced at your direction to see you looking at him in full anticipation. He couldn't bring himself to say it. No way.

"..." He opened his mouth slightly.

"What was that? I didn't hear you."

"...It's you..." He said in the smallest voice possible.

"Eh?" You blinked in confusion. "EEEEHHHH???? YOU LIKE-!" Taiju turned to look at you by instinct. Yuzuriha as well. You smiled reassuringly and brushed them of. You stopped to take a breather and adjust your voice volume. "Y-you like Mrs. Yuu? The science teacher!?"

"Wut?" Senku looked at you dumbfounded.

"SCANDALOUS! Scandalous I say!" You started muttering stuff like, 'forbidden romance' 'she's at least 10 years older than you' and 'I don't ship it'.


Senku sighed. "Why do I like such a weird girl like you..." He muttered.

"What was that?"

"Nothing..." He said with a blank expression.

"Come on tell me~"


"Aww~" You pouted.


MC: Anyway, I don't think Mrs.Yuu is appropriate for you to like her. I mean I can understand why..." She is smart, knowledgable at Senku's favourite subject, their personalities match well, plus she is really pretty and appealing... Kinda jealous of such a woman.... "But the age gap man... She could get in trouble if you two dated....

Senku: Y/N.

MC: What?

Senku: Stawp.


Word count: 1000 words

A/N: The thing that MC mentions about the perfect conditions for a kiss it is actually from a manga/anime called "Two STEM students fell in love so they tried to prove it" Totally recommend it if you are into science-fiction/romance stuff!

Date is Sunday 12th of April

Final word count: 1057 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2020 ⏰

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