Chapter 1

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This is my first time at any type of omegaverse story hope I'm trying to make my chapters for my stories longer so this is my attempt at it. There is smut and attempted rape in this story just a warning.

Chapter 1

    Steven woke up and groaned. He kicked off the covers trying to get comfortable. It was too hot in his room. Steven tossed and turned trying to make himself less hot. Steven moaned in defeat and sat up in bed.

    He knew he looked extremely grumpy but he was too hot and tired to care at the moment. He looked over at his cookie cat alarm clock and sat the clock said 7:26 A.M. Steven sighed in irritation and climbed down his stairs. He walked over to the bathroom. Groaning and gripping his midsection as he felt a tight contracting pain there. Thinking maybe he just needed to use the bathroom Steven continued his walk to the bathroom. The walk to the bathroom just made him feel more hot. To try and alleviate his discomfort Steven stripped off his clothes and did his bathroom business before turning on the shower setting it to luke warm.

    Steven jumped in and flinched as the water touched his burning skin. After a minute the hot sensation started to die down and Steven let out a sigh of relief. He washed his hair with his favorite strawberry scented shampoo and bodywash combo.

    After he was finished with that he threw some conditioner into his curly locks knowing if he skipped that step that his hair would be impossible to brush. Humming happily now that he was more comfortable Steven hopped out of the shower and dried himself off. Recently he had started paying a bit more attention to his appearance. He has Connie help him find a good curl cream to help make his hair look a bit more controlled.

    He was about to apply the produced but as soon as he smelled it he gagged. The smell was way too strong. Steven was confused he just used this yesterday and it seemed fine. Was the product bad? He made a mental note to ask Connie about it when he saw her. For now he just decided to go without.

    Cleaning up his bathroom Steven threw all his dirty clothes in his hamper and went to the kitchen. He looked through the fridge and tried to find something he might like. Noticing the fridge was mostly empty Steven decided to ask Pearl for some money later to buy more food. Steven smiled as he decided what he wanted. He put on his shoes and headed over to the Big Donut.

As Steven was walking there the heat he felt earlier returned much to his disappointment. Steven started to wonder if maybe he was getting sick because when he looked at his phone the temperature app said it was 65 degrees he should not be this hot.

By the time Steven got to the Big Donut he was winded from the walk combined with the heat he was feeling. Despite his ruined mood Steven plastered a big goofy grin onto his face as he walked in. He saw Lars and Sadie working. After Lars came back to earth Sadie agreed to come back to the Big Donut as well so long as they drastically cut her hours. Sadie only works weekends now and former Mayor Dewy takes the weekday shifts with Lars. Steven walked up to the counter his half fake grin stretching across his face.

"Lars! Sadie!" Steven yelled almost wincing himself at how loud his voice sounded.

Lars popped up from the donut tray he had been filling, as Sadie came out from the back to greet Steven. "Yo Steven, how's it going?" Lars asked.

"I've been good." Steven said blushing at Lars.

The. Hot feeling he had got worse as he talked with Lars. Steven was really confused.

'What is going on with me' Steven thought as he shuffled his feet nervously and Sadie seemed to catch onto this.

"Hey Steven are you sure everything is good? You seem different," Sadie asked narrowing her eyes suspiciously.

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