Chapter 11

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To say Jai is overprotective is an understatement. He's sent me 5 texts last night warning me about Nathan. I can understand him wanting to be protective, but he nearly knocked him out just because he was making of what I hope was a joke.

My thoughts were interrupted by the ping of another message. It was from Jai, and of course, it was about Nathan. I sighed as I typed out a reply.

"Hey Jai, could you come over, we need to talk.."

"Sure baby, what's up?xx"

"Let's just talk when you get here."

I was dreading Jai's reaction but this has gone too far, it's not even like Nathan touched me.

Jai arrived and sat on the sofa, and I could see the worry in his beautiful eyes.

"Baby what's up?" He didn't hesitate to ask in his Australian accent which makes me knees weaker every time he talks.

"Jai listen. I appreciate you being protective I really do, but don't you think giving James my number just in case of Nathan is a bit over the top? It's not like he's going to do anything to me." I bit my lip nervously, not wanting him to get too angry.

"Are you fucking kidding me Ellie?" He shouted.

Well at least I tried.

"You don't know what kind of shit he's done in the past. I don't want that asshole touching you!" Jai shouted louder, his eyes full of anger, his breathing heavier.

"Well what has he done?" I asked curiously.

He put his head in his hands and sighed.

"I don't want to talk about it Ellie, just leave it."

"No Jai tell me! I need to know why I have to be so wary of this boy!" I demanded.

"James had a girlfriend" He began. "Her name was Tiffany. James and Tiffany were in love, and you could tell. Along came Nathan. He would flirt with her continuously. It was all fun and games for her and they became friends, and one day he invited her round. She got raped and beaten. She didn't tell James and he kept threatening her. She left the state because she couldn't handle it. See that's why Ellie, I don't want him talking to you."

I was completely shocked at the things Jai told me. So many questions appeared in my mind.

"Well why is Beau still friends with him?"

"Beau doesn't know. Only James and I, and now you know about it. Besides, Nathan's sister is dating Beau. She's nothing like him but if Nathan goes she'll probably go to, and Beau cares about her too much. Please don't tell anyone Ellie. And stay away from him! I can't risk anything happening to you." Jai's voice became shaky as he said the last few words.

"But what if he talks to me?" I ask, worried about what could happen.

"Then don't respond! Don't fucking talk to him Ellie! Don't breathe his fucking air!" Jai shouted, his hands clenching into a fist.

"Shh Jai it's ok, I'll be fine I won't talk to him. Sorry for bringing this whole thing up, I should have just let you be as you knew and I didn't." I told him, rubbing small circles on his back trying to comfort him.

"Ellie I love you, I can't lose you." His voice starting to shake again, avoiding eye contact with me.

"And you won't, I love you too." I replied, turning his head to meet my eyes. A weak smile appeared on his face.

"Wanna watch a film?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

Without saying a word he nodded, I took his hand and walked down to the screening room. The room was just built, it used to be a storage basement but we converted it.

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