The Beginning

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Feliciano Vargas, he was a simple person as he lay beneath a blocky tree, he'd only known this blocky world and nothing more. He always had simple wear and his other half (or the second brain cell in this relationship--), Ludwig, would always wear combat boots, camouflage military pants and a black "wife-beater" tank top (yes that's what it's called, I hate the name too)

Where was Ludwig you ask? well, he'd heard from a nearby village they'd settled by that taiga biomes had wolves that could be tamed with a few bones and become pets....... and everyone who knew Ludwig knew what he did right after that information was shared with him. he tried to and succeeded at taming every. single. wolf. he could see that weren't too far from the outside of the forest. 

The german returned, a pack of sixteen wolves following and teleporting to him as he returned to his Italian love. Feliciano saw him, springing up and running to him and giving him an embrace. even if it'd just been for an hour or two, Feliciano always was glad to see Ludwig return home. 

"Ve~!! Luddy! you're back!" he cheers, his eyes closed for the moment before letting go and seeing the number of wolves behind Ludwig.

"How... and why...?" he asked as he was staring at his love and the multiple wolves.

"..." Ludwig didn't speak and avoided eye contact. he got the wolves into their home and has them all sit down while he gets dyes to get their collars dyed unique collars for each wolf. he makes carpet beds for each one and puts signs for their names (that I'll add later because I can't think of 16 names atm) 

he got them all to sit on their beds and went back to Feliciano who had found a cornflower, sheep, and a lead. He tugged a now blue-dyed sheep along on a lead and fed some grass. Feliciano beamed at his new fluffy friend and pet the creature. Ludwig leaves their small shelter and sees his lover with the sheep.

"Feli? why is it on a lead? and why is it blue?" Ludwig asked as he looked at the small blue sheep

"Oh! I found him all by himself, so I adopted him~! I coloured him blue so I won't lose him~!" Feliciano explains to Ludwig 

"I'm going to call him Mirtillo! it means blueberry!" he cheers and pets his new buddy sheep.

Ludwig sighed but smiled at his love and he was glad Feliciano was happy. Feliciano attached the sheep to a fence to make sure Mirtillo wouldn't get lost. they went into their home and the sky grew dark as they cooked their food.  Soon, the sky was pitch black and a tall slender figure appeared in their home, an Enderman in front of the pair, Feliciano starting to look up.

"Oh! Hi, I'm-!" Feliciano started before his eyes were covered by Ludwig

"Don't look at it!" he shouts and keeps his head down to make sure he didn't anger the creature. the enderman disappears and Ludwig exhales and he lets Feliciano look again. Ludwig takes down the details he remembered of the creature and puts it into a book using his quill

(that's the conclusion of chapter one! let the shenanigans begin!)

(and for all that care: words- 556 amount of time taken- an hour and a half..? I don't know)

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