Chapter 1

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Legends of the Chapter:

C- Crystal
AR- Ate Rachel
M- Mom
R- Random/ Unknown
L- Lynelle
D- Darren
GF- Granny Fina
G- Grandmother/ Lola

Crystal's P.O.V

Beep beep beep......

That went on for about 2 mins until I turned it off. I don't think I need to introduced myself since Ms. Author did that for me already. Anyway, time for school! YAY! Note my sarcasm. I took a bath, washed my face and brushed my teeth. Then I changed into civilian clothes since our school doesn't have uniforms. Thank God for that. Today I wore a white fitted sando with my black leather jacket with my dark denim jeans and my black converse. I went downstairs.

C-"Good morning ma!"
M-"Anak, let's eat na."
C-"Ma, I think I'm going to skip breakfast today" I'm used to skipping breakfast in the morning. I never feel hungry in the morning. (A/N: What a coincidence! Me too!)
M-"OK Anak, good luck at school. Oh, yeah. I forgot. Anak, I'm going to the hospital today to visit your grandmother. Just go to the hospital after school ok?" 
C-"OK, Ma." My grandmother is suffering from breast cancer for the second time. She had it once then she went through chemo. Then it went away. Then a couple years later, it came back. We always visit the hospital to take care of her.

I grabbed my galaxy backpack and my phone. I walked to school since it's only 5mins from my house. While I was walking, I was scrolling through my photos, my gallery is full of Darren's photos. Why? You got a problem with that?! JOWK! Anyway, I put my headphones on and played Darren's covers. My favorite covers that he did are Shake Your Body Down To The Ground, Wanna Be Startin' Something, Build A Girl and of course, Domino. I walked all the way to school and put away my headphones. It might get confiscated eh. I was walking to my classroom until.......

R-"Crys! (Pronounced as Kris) "
C-"Ate Rachel!"
AR-"Hey gurl! How you been?"
C-"Here, still alive."
AR-"How's your grandmother?" 
C-"I dunno. I'm going to visit her today actually. After school."
AR-"Oh, ok. See you later.I gotta get to class. Babush!" 

I headed to class and sat down.

*Skip boring school*

Dismissal! I took a cab to the hospital to see my grandmother. My grandmother is sharing a room with granny Fina. So it kinda looks like this:

Door / Granny Fina / My Grandmother / Window

I remember the first time I met Granny Fina.


I am with my mom today to take care of my grandmother. My grandmother fell asleep so there's nothing to do. I was walking towards the door when I looked at my grandmother's roomate. She's trying to reach her medication. I walked over, grabbed the medication and gave it to her. I handed her some water.

R-"Thank you hija (pronounced as iha)"
C-"Glad to help."
R-"What's your name hija?"
C-"Crystal po."
R-"How old are you?"
C-"12 years po. Turning 13 this year."
R-"You know Crystal, I have a grandson about your age. You and him will be cute together."
C-"hehehe. Ay, sorry po. What's your name inay?"
GF-"Call me granny Fina"
C-"Granny Fina, what's the name of your grandson?" Not that I want a boyfriend! My curiosity just gets the best of me.
GF-"His name is-"

She was interrupted by the nurse coming in. The nurse took her blood pressure so I decided to go back to my grandmother.

*End of Flashback*

C-Hi lola (lola is grandmother in Tagalog/Filipino)!"
G-"Hi Crystal *cough* How you been?" 
C-"I'm ok. How about you? Do you feel better?"
G-"Not really."
C-"Lola, I'm just gonna go outside."
G-"Ok, Crystal." 

I grabbed my headphones and phone. I listened to Darren's covers as I checked out his IG posts. I took a lot of selfies doing the same poses as Darren. Then my music stopped and my phone vibrated. It's my mom.

M-"Crystal *sob* Come back to the room immediately. Your-your Your lola is gone. *sob*"
C-"No! No that's not true! *sob*"
M-"Anak, calm down. It had to happen sooner or later."
C-"NO! It's not true!" 

I ended the call and started sobbing. Then a little girl came up to me with red eyes.

R-"Ate, why are you crying?"
C-"My grandmother died. It's fine."
R-"It's ok Ate. Even me. My grandmother died today also."
C-"Oh...... Thanks for cheering me up a bit."
R-"Any time ate. What's your name?"
C-"Just call me Ate Crystal. What's your name?"
L-"Just call me Lynelle po."
C-"aw, Lynelle. That's a cute name."
L-"Ate, you know I have a brother your age. You two would be cute together."
C"Hehehehe. What's his name?" Again! Curiosity gets the best of me
L-"His name is-"

She got cut off when her mom called her. She left waving goodbye. *sigh* I decided to go to the room and I saw a woman talking to my mom. So I wanted to go to Granny Fina. I went to her side and saw her whole body covered in a blanket and I saw the heart monitor that had a flat line. No! 2 people in 1 day?! Why?! Then I sat beside Granny Fina holding her cold lifeless hand. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I saw a boy with a hoodie and sunglasses. Then he took off his sunglasses and hoodie and it was DARREN ESPANTO!!! I was speechless. Then a little girl screamed.

C-"Lynelle. Baby!"
L-"Hi ate! What are you doing here?"
C-"Well, what are you doing here?"
L-"She's my grandmother. Now ate, answer my question." She's so cute when she demands things
C-"Well, the lady over there near the window is my grandmother. And I am actually close with Granny Fina."
L-"Ok! Ate, he is my brother! The one I'm telling you about!" She pointed at Darren who had red bloodshot eyes.

Darren's P.O.V

I was working on the Christmas Station ID of ABS CBN when my mom called and said Granny Fina passed away. My eyes automatically started tearing. When I got there, I went to Granny Fina's room and I saw a girl sitting there. I put my hand on her shoulder thinking that she was my cousin. But she turned around and I didn't recognize her. I don't know who she is but my sister apparently does. They started talking about me I think. All I could do is stare at Granny Fina.

"Crystal! Take Darren and Lynelle to the mall for a bit. Here's the money." The lady talking to my mom said and handed money to the girl sitting a while ago.

R-"Ok Ma. Thank you!"
L-"Ate! Where are we going?"
R-"To the mall baby. Darren, you coming?"
D-"Yeah sure."

A/N: Hey guys! Pretty boring beginning I know. But I promise more kilig scenes will be coming up. And if you don't already know, this isn't my first story on Wattpad. I made another book. It's titled Ikaw Na Nga. Another Darren Espanto fanfic. So in that story, Darren is 19 years old and so is JK. So that'll change it up a bit. Anyway, thanks for reading don't forget to vote, comment and share with your friends! Love y'all!

-Lila <3

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