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Success and greater levels of success are some of the great cries of humanity

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Success and greater levels of success are some of the great cries of humanity. More specially to us teenagers as we develop. Our will,mind and emotions are also developing and a lot of emphasis should be placed on these things.

There is so much happening in,with and around us today that triggers our minds, will and emotions whether we are aware of it or not. And thus both influence our character, personality and vision towards what we want to achieve in life. Our investment in these three; Mind, will and emotions has a ripple effect on our future.

Today, You may feel on top of the world. Then, tomorrow feel downtrodden by life. That's when you hear people say,"Life is full of ups and downs." Many have got to believe this statement. But as a matter of fact, it isn't true. In fact, I stopped believing it at the age of fourteen.

The fact is believe it or not, Life is what you make of it: You reap what you sow. We have to understand that life will never give us what we deserve, But we get(draw) from life what we deserve. That should give you a thought: What we put in quality of our work determines the quality of our results. If you author a story of wattpad for example, There are tons of other stories out there, hundreds,  thousands etc. What will make you stand out is the quality not the quantity of your story.

I'll get back to that in another part of this book.
Everything we face in life is meant for us and for our teaching, promotion. Be it good or bad. I Personally, learn much from my experiences.

There's no other person that is meant for the tasks that you handle in your endeavors because no one else can handle them that way you would.  Its the same scenario with school exams. Everyone sitting for the exam has a different approach that they use.

As you read through the pages of this book. It's my strong prayer that you're and inspired and empowered through the ideas, anecdotes, knowledge inside such that you can your goals in any given endeavor.

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