Case #3 •Humility

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Humility:[From my Personal Perspective.]

Humility as I define it, is simply the state of being humble. It's the expression of a person's personality in connection to how they respond to authority, instructions, orders and assignments.

As I examined the topic of Success, I discovered that being, living a humble life is a great way to start off your journey of success. I got to notice that most of the great people we see, hear of, love and inspire us live generally humble lives.

They don't speak of themselves when not given the chance to. These people don't boast of themselves nor their success. But they are spoken of and neither are they proud. What they do communicates about their lives but not necessarily their words.

Being humble doesn't necessarily have to do with being quiet all the time, not jumpy and hype with energy. I've seen people who are so quiet on the outside but yet on the inside they are wolves. That's not humility. I've also seen people who are so talkative, jumpy yet they are actually so humble. This is common with many extroverts in my perspective: They always express what on their minds.

Big Shout out to extroverts!!! 😁🤘🏼

Back to the main line. Through my three years of exercising my self in humility, There was a complete turn around in my life. It took me from a nobody to somebody.

Before, I learned about this, I remember standing for various leadership positions at school. I never at any school election, not even once. I didn't where the problem was until I I discovered the Humility aspect of it.

When I heard and slowly adapted to this aspect, I become lowly, respectful, I stopped thinking that I was higher than the rest of my contemporaries. [It was a hard and gradual orientation].

A year later, at school, The elections were up. I'd thought of being school Vice president. But, I decided not to take part in it. A friend of mine had already opted for it and it wouldn't look cool to compete with him.

When the elections were done. The names of the winners were shortlisted. When I went to have a look at it I was shocked to find my name right beside the positioned my good friend had opted for [Vice President].

On enquiry, I was told that I had been appointed by the school and that all teachers believed in me. Most of them claimed it was due to my discipline. I was both elated and worried at the same time.

Then I remembered the scripture in 1 Peter 5:6
"Therefore humble yourselves [demote, lower yourselves in your own estimation] under the mighty hand of God, that in due time He may exalt you,"

I believe the same can also happen for you. A person once said, "If God can do something for him or her, He can also do the same for you. And, If God has never done anything with him, or her, He can start with you if you require it.

If you'd let your work speak before long you'll be promoted. I used to stammer a lot even at the age of fourteen, but never at all did I know that a year later I'd be chosen as one of the schools finest debaters, Public speakers. This all begun with a few simple steps.

Lowering myself, seeing and esteeming my friends greater than myself. It took a lot of work. Some of them too advantage of me. It hurt for a while but within me I knew I was building a foundation for my life. I stopped comparing myself with others and bragging about my achievements.

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