Chapter 1

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I pulled my suitcase through the hustle and bustle of Heathrow airport while looking for someone who would pick me up, Niall Horan, that's the name. My Mom was supposed to pick me up today, but because she's too busy taking care of her wedding to be held in two months, she asked Niall to pick me up. 

I gave up and finally sat down in one of the available seats in the Heathrow corridor and pulled out my cellphone, I  called my Mom to ask about Niall.

 "Hi, Hannah, have you arrived in London?" my mother asked, sounding the hustle and bustle of the vehicle horn. Looks like my mom is driving.

"Yes, I just arrived 15 minutes ago." I replied, putting my suitcase beside me, "Are you driving?" I asked,

"No, I'm not driving. I'm with James now to buy some stuff, but we're stuck in traffic around Bournemouth." she answer, I can tell from her voice that she is depressed right now. I chuckled for a moment and immediately remembered the reason I called,

"Ah, I just remember. I called you because I want to ask about Niall. Is he already at Heathrow?" 

"Hmm, I don't really know about it. He should have been there, haven't you met him?"

"How can I meet him if I don't even know his face?" I heard the laughter of a man who I thought must be James, they were laughing at me. I just frowned while watching the people who passed in front of me.

"Hahaha, just look for a man with blond hair." My Mom said with a chuckle, I looked around and found that there were at least 5 men with blond hair.

"Well, that really helps, Mom. There are at least 5 men with blond hair around me, are they all named Niall?" I replied sarcastically, one of my characteristics that sometimes makes other people upset. I again heard Mom laughing and began to feel upset.

"Sorry, okay I'll call Niall and tell him you've arrived. Where are you now?"

"Ah, Heathrow?"

"I know you're at Heathrow, I mean where exactly are you?" I smiled a little while looking back and found that I was in front of Caffe Nero, well it shouldn't take long to find me.

"I'm sitting in front of Caffe Nero, and I'm the only girl here. He should be able to recognize me easily." I said, Mom murmured softly.

"All right, wait a minute. I'll tell him right away, be careful on the way. See you at dinner," she said, she immediately hung up without waiting for my response. I put my cellphone back into my handbag, I paused for a moment while watching a child who was playing with his father near the playground. And for a moment I thought of my Dad.

My Dad died when I was 7 years old. He died in a single accident where his car plummeted into a cliff, it happened because the road at that time was very slippery because of the rain and he tried to avoid a truck that was shaking so that his car lost control and slipped into the cliff. I was very young at the time, I even thought that he was only staying at grandma's house when I realized that he was coming home late. But my guess was wrong and I realized that something was wrong when I saw my grandma and grandpa coming home crying and hugging me and Mom. I still remember Mom becoming hysterical and immediately ran to her room and shut herself in her room for several hours, while I just paused while watching my grandma who had been crying and my grandpa who always said that my father was in heaven now. I was too young to understand that, so I wasn't very sad at the time.

Over time, I began to feel the loss of the father figure in my life. I always felt jealous when I saw my friends walking with their father or when their father picked them up at school, whereas I had to walk home alone because Mom was too busy to take care of her work. Mom always told me that I don't need to be jealous of my friends because Dad always with me, and the fact that Mom always take good care of me is a plus in my life.

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