Chapter 4

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We spent the journey from the airport to the restaurant in silence, only the sound of our breathing could be heard in the car. I feel uncomfortable sitting in the middle of the passenger seat flanked by Andrew and Niall. I glanced to my right and saw Niall who was biting his fingernails while looking out the window, then I glanced in the opposite direction and saw Andrew was busy with his cellphone. I was surprised when Andrew suddenly turned to me and found me watching him, he then raised his eyebrows as if to ask, "What's wrong?" to me. I just averted my gaze and looked back straight ahead.

Our car stopped in front of a fancy Italian restaurant named "Margot", and we immediately got out of the car and entered the restaurant. A waiter escorted us to the table that had been reserved by James, after arriving there we sat in our chairs. Again, I was flanked by Andrew and Niall. I wanted to switch seats with Niall so that I could sit next to Mom, but it would make Andrew curious with my behavior. So I just kept silence.

"Why are you silent?" Niall asked in a low voice as the waiter poured the wine into our glasses,

"I just don't want to look stupid anymore, that's all." I replied casually, I then put down the napkin on my thighs to prevent me from dirtying my own clothes.

"I'm sorry, I should have told you the truth." he whispered, I looked at him and saw a look of regret on his face. And my irritation slowly began to fade and was replaced by pity.

"You should be," I muttered, Niall still looking at me guiltily. "And apology accepted," I continued, he smiled a little and drank his wine.

"Andrew, how's your final test result?" James asked suddenly, causing me to immediately turn my gaze to Andrew who was sitting beside me.

"I sent it to you, so you shouldn't have to ask again." Andrew replied, his answer surprised James.

"Have you sent it?" asked James again in surprise,

"Yes, after my grades came out I immediately sent it to you." Andrew replied impatiently. James glanced at Mom, who only shrugged as a sign that she didn't know anything.

"There must be some mistake, maybe my secretary forgot to give it to me." said James, Andrew shook his head and laughed sarcastically.

"Yes, of course. Because I no longer matter here," he muttered bitterly, I glanced at him for a moment and temporarily felt sorry for him.

"Don't say that, Andrew." Said Mom, who had been silent all this time, Andrew immediately glanced at Mom with a cynical gaze.

"I'm not asking for your opinion," he said bitterly, hearing that made me feel angry with him. He shouldn't have acted like that to his parents,

"Maybe people would find you important if you were more polite, Andrew." I said, turning to him and looking at him with a gaze that is not less cynical than him, Andrew turned to me who was sitting beside him. Niall, James and Mom looked at us with worried looks.

"Am I talking to you? I don't think so," he said, I just kept quiet and turned my face away so he couldn't see the anger on my face. "Sorry, what's your name?" he asked when I didn't respond to his words,

"If you pay attention, you should've known my name. I won't tell people who don't care about my name and even think I don't exist," I replied, still refused to look at him. I could feel him snickering as he watched me,

"Very good, I like your attitude." he said as he shifted his gaze to the food that the waiter had just put on our table, "At least you're not a hypocrite like your mother," he continued after the waiter left our table, his words jolting us all.

I could see James was holding back his anger by clenching his fists, I knew he didn't want to attract the attention of the people who were in this restaurant. Niall was silent while glaring at Andrew, while Mom held back her tears and ignored Andrew's words. My anger started to build and I almost screamed at him,

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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