Chapter 46

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"A wasted life."   [PART TWO.]

I was demented.

I was like a raging bull ready to vent my anger at anyone who came near and my frustration at not finding him only made my temper even worse.

'Where the fuck are you?' I cried.

Mr Cararras appeared with two security guards and a very frightened looking Max. She had that same look of fear in her eyes that I saw in Paris and she called out my name.


I spun round, my eyes wide open with rage.

'Where is he? Where is that fucking brother of yours,' I snapped. 'I'll kill him. I swear to god I'll kill him.'

'Kirk! What's wrong? What are you doing?'

'Where is he?' I cried

I wasn't thinking straight.

'Now Mr Attwood sir, you must calm yourself. You will wake all the other guests.'

'Calm myself? You want me to calm myself,' I said, wild with fury. 'I'll give you calm.'

And with that I grabbed hold of the nearest chair and launched it high in the air to land against the far wall breaking it in two. It brought the smallest of the two security men forward which I saw through round and blood shot eyes.

'Do you want a piece of me?' I cried, screaming at him like a banshee. 'Is that it? Do you want a piece of me because if you do then I'm just in the right fucking mood.'

I lunged forwards burying my head into his midriff as I heard Max calling out for me to stop.

'Kirk please! Whatever is the matter?'

The guard, standing barely five foot tall but with an equal width across his shoulders, twisted effortlessly to one side sending me against the bed, only for me to bounce straight back up as I swung an arm wildly in his direction, missing awkwardly as he tilted his head backwards.


Mr Carraras's loud booming voice stopped my next move.

'Desist with this madness Mr Attwood or I shall be forced to call the police.'

My breath was laboured, I stood hunched waiting for someone to make the next move but it was Max who came forwards.

'Let me deal with this please Mr Carraras,' she said, her brow a mass of worry lines. 'And you have my word. Please except my apologies and know that I will pay for all damages.'

The room fell silent as she came close. I stood panting. She reached out slowly and swept a hand across my forehead moving away any loose strands of hair.

'Whatever is the matter?'

I tried not to cry but my eyes were glistening with moisture.

'They've killed John,' I said. 'My friend is dead and they've killed Tony.'

Shock replaced worry lines on my friend's face. She didn't understand and why should she?

'John is dead,' I said again, my voice slowly returning to normal. 'He never made it across to England. He was mugged. He was killed and they threw his body in the harbour.'

Max said nothing, fighting her own emotion. She was visibly shaken at the news. I could tell that. It was in her eyes, in her face. Her hand tensed above me.

'I don't understand,' she said. 'I thought he was taking your ship across. Are you sure?'

I nodded.

'Oh I am so sorry Kirk.'

She moved me to the bed. She sat beside me. She pulled my head onto her shoulder.

'They said he was mugged but he wasn't was he?' I said. 'That should have been me. It was me they were after. It was me who was asking all those questions.'

Her voice was soothing, her hand reassuring as it stroked my hair.

'Oh my darling Kirk.'

So calm and graceful.

'It is not you that they are after my love. It could just, as you wife said, have been a horrid random moment but know this,' she touched my face and ran her hand gently down it. 'If this was something my brother was involved in then he will be found out and when that happens then God will make him pay.'

She talked but I was fast falling asleep, my energy was spent and her tenderness was sending me there by the minute and if she had not nudged me awake then I think I would have rested there and then.

I was so tired.

I rose slowly and moved towards the broken door trying to fit it back into the door frame only to see it swing back open like the bar doors of a saloon in a western movie. Mr Cararras stood at a distance and watched as we walked away.

My own room was cold and empty and I felt very alone. Max switched on the table lamp and then led me to one of the chairs before pouring me a drink.

I could tell she was fighting with her own emotions. She sat beside me not knowing what to say and then ...

'I guess the police will be involved now,' she said softly. 'Dad will have to be informed and so will all the directors. We won't be able to hide this any longer.'

I looked at her. She seemed to have aged.

'It's all my fault,' she continued. 'I made you come here. You have me to thank for his death.'

But I shook my head wearily. I wouldn't hear of it.

'It's true,' she argued. 'I'm selfish. I can't help it. I have always wanted things my own way but now.' She looked into my eyes. 'I think it's time we went home.'

She paused.

'This was a silly little adventure. I don't know why we came, a dream I suppose, nothing else - the thrill of the chase but now this ... it's over. We can't go on any more.'

She turned away.

'You were right. We should have stayed at home. We should have fought from within. We should have contacted the authorities.'

We drank and talked. Time seemed to pass and then light started to come through the window pane.

I still couldn't believe my friend had gone. I was in limbo. We discussed how we could spend our last few hours here. We agreed to try to find her mother's business and then, when it was all over, we would then catch the next plane home.

When she left, I collapsed on the bed.

I felt dirty. I was a shell of my former self, unrecognisable as a caring and loving person, lying unshaven on a bed in clothes that I hadn't bought. I fell asleep thinking of John, of the times our families had spent together. He would do anything for me and he had done precisely that.

He had given me his life.

When I woke, it was to the sound of a knock on the door. I turned over, looked at my watch, and saw that it was already two O'clock in the afternoon.

+ + + + + + + + + +

So what now?

Back home?

I guess that is it - the adventure over. Back home to his family as if this had never happened.

Thanks again for all your amazing comments and support.


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