Chapter 61

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"Time to choose."

At first, I didn't want to get out of bed. I doubt I had slept for more than a few hours.

A heavy silence told me I was on my own. I noticed I had another new set of clothes lying on a chair near the door. I got up, took a quick shower and then made my way back to the main area.

A short stocky man was sat reading in the lounge. He didn't say anything but by his immediate act of making me breakfast I could only assume that he had been left behind to keep an eye on me.

In truth all I wanted was a strong cup of coffee.

Max phoned just before lunchtime full of pip.

'Morning sleepy head. I've been out and about doing last minute shopping.  Uri thinks it's best if we simply skip town and drive up through Malaysia. He thinks we need to find a secluded spot somewhere away from prying eyes so I am stocking up on a few items.'

She then informed me that he had passed the message on to his friend Sonya in the police force and that he was hopeful we would have some news by this afternoon.

'He also thinks it is a good idea that you meet me on Orchard Road, even for a few minutes and that you take some money out of a cash machine. This way everyone will think you are still in Singapore.'

It made sense. In fact I was surprised how easy I was able to do it. My newfound bodyguard drove me there and we were all back in the apartment again within the hour.

Max emptied two carrier bags onto the floor revealing a wide range of camping equipment.

'Pray tell me,' I smirked, a hint of a frown forming across my forehead, 'where the hell do you think we are going?'   

Her eyes shone with excitement.

'To hell and back,' she grinned, 'and if there is time, maybe a spot of Tiffin on the terraces!'

I wanted to hold her.

I wanted to bring her close and smell her perfume, feel her body next to mine and in that moment I made up my mind that I would never doubt her again as long as I lived.

As she turned in my direction, I reached out and caught her bringing her close kissing her lips with a vigour and passion I had not shown before, all my doubt and fears disappearing in an instant.

I stopped and said that I was sorry.

'For what?' she asked.

'For ever doubting you. For ever thinking that you might be behind all of this.'

We kissed as though there was no tomorrow. Love, trust; it was all there and I didn't care anymore, I didn't care what the consequences were or what the future would hold. I was just living for the moment.

I wanted her so much.

It was a raw passion I had never felt before, not with Cheryl, not with Beth. My whole body was exploding with so many feelings it was as if I was being reborn.

'Huh Hmmm.'

We had failed to notice someone coming into the room.

Uri stood a few feet away next to a very petit and strikingly beautiful young lady, small face and short black hair.

'I'm glad to see you two have made up and may I introduce Sonya Madison who has some very interesting news.'   

We gathered round the living room. We took a coffee and then listened as Sonya informed us of our detective friend Geoff.

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