Chapter 1:

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Hello everyone! So, I don't know what the heck I'm doing with this story. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm playing it purely by ear. No outline or anything like that. So, sorry in advance if updates are a little slow. This idea just came to me and I had to write it down. Also, I haven't seen Waitress yet. But I'm planning on checking it out. I really love the song though. Anyways, I'm blabbering at this point. :) I hope you enjoy, When He Sees Me!

Also, P.s. Sorry If anyone is OOC! I tried my best! :)

Also, disclaimer: I don't own TDP or it's characters or this song.


"One decaf with heavy cream and two tablespoons of sugar! And you better make it fast!" The customer spat at Rayla rudely.

In response, the fifteen year old barista put on her best fake smile. But inside, she had a strong desire to punch whoever the heck he was squarely in the face.

As the random, surly patron made his way to a table in the cafe, Rayla got to work on making his order. The sound of grinding beans and then the strong aroma of warm coffee filled the area behind the counter. It was a slow day at work, as usual. Barely anyone was here today, and the few customers who were there were rude beyond belief.

Rayla's face scrunched into an angry scowl as she poured the heavy cream in the coffee and stirred the sugar.

"Another rude customer?" A girl with her long black hair tied into a tight bun came beside Rayla and sympathetically patted her shoulder. Claudia. One of the only saving graces of working in this damn place. Rayla could've quit any day, but that meant she would see her best friend less, since the two of them went to separate schools. So, it was here she stayed.

"Yeah." Rayla nodded as she put a lid on top of the paper mug that held the light brown liquid.

Claudia gave her friend a light shoulder punch, and wore a bright smile on her face. "Well, don't let them get you down. They're probably cranky because they had to drive all the way here just to get coffee," she said, and then fluttered away to the counter to take another person's order.

"Yeah." Rayla muttered in frustration under her breath before placing the paper cup on the serving counter, and calling out the order. "Totally." She partly agreed with Claudia, but in truth, she wished people would be a little nicer. It would at least add some joy to this crappy place.

The place where Rayla and Claudia worked was called The Magic Brewery. It was a small, independent coffee shop, and it was incredibly new. Like, it had only opened last winter. Rayla and Claudia were working there as a summer job, to save up for college. Although it didn't pay too bad, and the coffee was spectacular, barley anybody ever came. At best they would usually get twenty to twenty-five customers per day. But that was rare, and the usual number was only ten people per day. And the patrons who did come were some of the rudest, most demanding customers Rayla had ever met.

If only this place wasn't overshadowed by other nearby coffee houses. If only this place were just a block closer to Katolis or Xadia highschool. Claudia attended Katolis High, while Rayla went to Xadia High School, a place that was a little bit further away.

Suddenly, the door opened, causing a bell up above it to ring cheerfully. Rayla liked to hear the bell. It added a spark of cheeriness to this dreary place. Usually though, that joyful spark only lasted a second before she saw the person come in. It was almost always a grumpy looking person who'd come here once and then never come again, or an avid patron who had a rude grimace plastered on their face. But this time, when she saw who came in, she didn't recognize him. He was totally new and he didn't seem grumpy at all.

It was a boy, about a year younger than her, with forest green eyes and earth brown hair, and he was clutching a large, tawny brown book to his chest. He wore a long sleeved, blue shirt and denim blue jeans, and he had a scarf wrapped around his neck.

A scarf? In summer? Rayla raised an eyebrow at the boy. He was much younger than the usual customers and a friendly smile curved upon his lips. His eyes darted around the place hopefully, like he was looking for something. Or someone? Maybe?

"Callum!" Claudia yelled.

Rayla and several of the customers jumped up in surprise at Claudia's exuberant outburst. Claudia eagerly ran up to the boy and pulled him into a giant bear hug. "It's so great to see you!"

When Rayla squinted, she swore she saw some pink on his cheeks. The boy was obviously blushing.

"It's great to see you, too, Claudia." The boy, his name was Callum, right? Yeah, it was definitely Callum, Claudia said once she stopped squeezing him tightly like he was a balloon about to pop.

Then she turned to Rayla, suddenly remembering she was there. "Rayla!" Claudia chirped, grabbing her friend's hand and pulling her over to meet the stranger. "This is Callum. He goes to the same school as I do." She nodded to Callum. "Callum, this is Rayla, my best friend."

The boy held out his hand. "Nice to meet you, Rayla."

Rayla shook it in response. "Nice to meet you, too, Callum," she said before loosening her grip on his hand. She wasn't sure what to make of him yet. But he was friends with Claudia, so, therefore, he couldn't be too bad.

Claudia beamed at Callum, who only blushed harder at the sight of her smile. "So, Callum," she tucked a strand of her dark black hair behind her ear. "What are you doing here today?"

Callum rubbed his neck awkwardly, turning redder by the minute. Rayla almost burst out laughing because his face was practically as red as a tomato now, and it was hilarious to see him so embarrassed. "Well," Callum tripped over his words. "You, told me you worked in this place and I wanted to come check it out."

"Do you wanna order something?" Claudia asked with a cheerful smile. "It'll be on the house." Rayla was surprised her friend was not reacting to his blush. Maybe she was totally oblivious?

"Nah, that's okay." Callum shook his head. "I'll pay for it."

"You don't have to do that Callum," Claudia said, turning a very, VERY light shade of pink. Okay, maybe she was aware of the boy's crush on her.

Claudia and Callum went back and forth for what felt like an eternity, she insisting that he needn't pay, he insisting that he should. It was so annoying. Rayla felt like her brain was rotting away from not only boredom but also the cheesiness of it all. Until finally Callum gave up and said he'd take it on the house. He ordered a vanilla latte, warm, and a croissant, to go.

After they'd given him his order, he waved goodbye and exited the shop. Rayla was slightly relieved to see him go. But she couldn't shake a small feeling inside her. A small spark that wished he'd stayed. He was the one customer who wasn't rude or obnoxious. He was actually kind of sweet and kind.

Claudia was totally on a cloud, or a bubble, or something like that. "Isn't he adorable?" Claudia practically sang out.

Rayla pursed her lips in thought as she kept up her normal work routine. And she thought about him more as the coffee shop closed at its typical time of six o'clock.

And, as she biked home, she had to admit to herself, today wasn't the worst at The Magic Brewery. And it was because of that boy. Who she'd totally forgotten the name of.


And there you have it folks! Chapter 1! Hope you enjoyed it and if you didn't, well, then, you don't have to read it. :) See you next chapter!

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