Chapter 3:

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Today there was no work. Instead, Rayla was at the park, sitting on a bench, her fingers flying across the screen of her phone as she texted Claudia, who was still sick with a cold.

MoonShadowPowers15: Feeling any better?

HotBrownMorningPotionAddict: Nah. Still feel as stuffy as ever. Drinking hot coffee right now to help feel better. :) <3

MoonShadowPowers15: Don't coffee and colds not mix?

HotBrownMorningPotionAddict: MAybeeeeeeee....... lol. :)

MoonShadowPowers15: XD <3 <3

HotBrownMorningPotionAddict: So, how's work going?

MoonShadowPowers15: It's not the same without you. :(

HotBrownMorningPotionAddict: Aw shucks! I miss u 2. <3 <3

MoonShadowPowers15: I did bump into your friend, Callum. He's nice. He's a really good artist 2.

HotBrownMorningPotionAddict: OMG! Isn't he amazing?! :D I LOVE his artwork! Hes super adorable 2! :) <3

MoonShadowPowers15: Yeah. He is. He wanted to see you when he visited.

HotBrownMorningPotionAddict: He did? What did u say??

MoonShadowPowers15: I told him the truth. That u were sick. He stuck around awhile after that, and we talked. He showed me his drawings.

HotBrownMorningPotionAddict: Nice! :) Let him know when I'm well again. I'd love 2 see him at the coffee shop again sometime soon! :D <3 <3

MoonShadowPowers15: Do u like him?

HotBrownMorningPotionAddict: Of course I like him! He's a great friend! :) Why??

MoonShadowPowers15: Just asking.

HotBrownMorningPotionAddict: Oh! I gotta get going now. Dad says being sick is not an excuse for missing homework. Plus, I think I just heard the coffee maker finishing its work. lol. :) <3

MoonShadowPowers15: Lol. xD Talk with u later.

HotBrownMorningPotionAddict: Yeah! u 2! :) <3

When Rayla finished her texted conversation with Claudia, she stuffed her phone back into her pocket, and took in the scenery of the park. In the not so far off distance, kids played on the playground. She thought she heard one of the kids calling one of the especially tall towers on the play structure the storm spire. A bit of a funny name for a fake pillar on a playground.

Rayla wished she were in a nature park at the moment. Nature parks were quiet and beautiful, with long trails to hike and woods to get lost in. They were her favorite. But she wanted to text Claudia, and at the same time, she didn't want to be cooped up indoors. So, she looked up parks that had wifi, and this was the closest one.

Despite it being pretty loud, with all the noise of children screaming and laughing joyfully on the playground, the weather was perfect. The sun was warm, the sky had no clouds in it, the breeze was crisp, and the air was fresh.

Keeping her arms folded across her chest as she slouched on the bench, Rayla thought of her texts with Claudia, and what she had said about liking Callum. She responded as though she had been asked whether she considered him a good friend, to which of course, she replied, she did. But Rayla had meant 'liking him', as 'considering him more than a good friend'. Claudia was smart. She couldn't be totally oblivious to Callum's obvious feelings. Could she? Claudia did blush that one time, the first time Rayla met Callum. But she looked surprised, and it was very light.

But, wait... Why did she care so much about how her friend felt for Callum? It didn't matter. Did it?

Rayla could not forget that brief moment when she looked into Callum's deep green eyes. And she remembered how, for maybe less than a second, she thought they looked really pretty. They reminded her of the forest she would rather be in right now. A place where she could be free. A place she could get lost in.

And for another brief moment, blush bloomed on Rayla's face when she thought about maybe seeing Callum again. And she found herself silently hoping that he would come back to the coffee shop very soon.


Another chapter done! Woo! :D I'm really happy with this one. Even if it is very short and mostly texting. :) Thank you to everyone who's supported this story so far! It means the world! <3 <3 <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2019 ⏰

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