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I feel like I'm missing something.

This is real talk, nothing like my usual spoken poetry or 'wise words'

I feel empty. I don't know what it is, and I feel like it's because I'm lonely, but so many people tell me you don't need to date people to be yourself, so I thought about that. For weeks. Months maybe.

I don't know what it is, maybe I'm thinking too much into it, maybe I'm missing something right in front of me, or just thinking of the wrong people.

I went through a phase, and I questioned myself a lot. I didn't want to say I was bi, because I didn't know how much things would change if they would at all. I felt like it would be a petty move, and I do still think that, but I have my mind cleared and have made myself up.

I tried finding a new passion, and even writing I've hit a block and question my choices for when I should come out with a new chapter, or the second book, or if I should even bother starting another book, cause people barely read my shit anyway. 

Maybe it'll never fill, maybe I just chill around, being 'that lonely gay' forever, and that would work, but I feel it would eat out my insides too much, send me into the insanity that even filling the hole wouldn't fix.

Who knows, maybe I'm ranting for something, a meaning, and hopefully purpose, or maybe there's someone out there that cares about me as I might them. Not like anyone is telling me anyways.

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