Getting to know eachother chp. 2

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As me and Alastor continued to talk. I noticed that soon we were both walking.

How did we end up walking?

Overall I think Al is a cool demon. He didn't kill me...yet. So I guess him and I are friends maybe? As I kept thinking of what he wanted from me, he interrupted my thoughts.

Al: Darling, are you alright?

Y/n: Oh, yeah. I-I'm sorry. I guess I just lost focus. One thing about me is I have a very low attention span. And I can't concentrate well.

I laugh shyly.

Alastor looked at me with that soft gentle smile. As if he too knew my struggle on focusing.

Then he said this which caught my attention.

Al: Well I can assure you that it happens to me. But I've been listening to you. I'm getting to know you better. You seem to be a quite the charm.

I stopped and looked at him with a gentle smile.

Y/n: Heh. You must be a great listener, huh?

Al: Yes, but sometimes I just don't care. But until I found you, I've been listening to everything that comes out of your mouth.

I start feeling shy.

Y/n: Oh yeah? What's one thing I said?

Al: Well I heard you say that you came to hell because you murdered your father because he hurt someone you loved so much. But you didn't kill him that quick, he killed him 12 years later. You were 10 when someone important to you as killed. You had been tortured nearly to death by him. He left and thought he never had to see you again. But you showed up, when you were 22, and tortured him with the same methods he used on you! And you killed the family he made. You then turned in yourself but later escaped prison and did a suicide by cop, because the voices in your head got to you.

I looked at him shocked.

Y/n: S-so you did pay attention.

Al: Yes my dear!

Alastor: Hey, I've heard around this part of hell that you, are quite powerful like me.

Y/n: Ah, uhh...y-yeah. But I'm not as strong as Lucifer as himself. He's keeping me alive because he believes I can maintain the population of hell leveled.

Alastor: I also heard your name is The Grim Reaper. Or Death for short. Am I right my dear?

Y/n: Yes. Lucifer gave me that title. I actually love it.

Alastor: It suits you my dear.

Y/n: T-thank you.

Al: No problem my dear!

You both made it to your location. The Happy Hotel.

Al: Oh, this is your stop?

Y/n: Yes. Why'd you ask?

Al: It's because I've been staying her for a while. And I never have seen you.

Y/n: Ah, it's because I'm so busy maintaining the population.

Al: I see. Well when you're free, I would hope that you and I can talk again?

He looked at you with that devilish smile. You feel this sensation in your stomach. The one you never felt in your life up until now. Are you developing feelings?

Y/n: Oh yeah, I'd like that.

Al: Great it's a date then!

You looked away while your face turned red.

Al: Well I'll see you later my dear! And don't work yourself out so much!

Y/N: Alright I won't!

You smile to yourself and jump of joy. You then enter the hotel only to be greeted by Charlie.

Y/n: Hey Char-

She cuts you off.

Charlie: You have some explaining to do.

You look at her as if she was crazy.

Damn, I've never seen her like this.

It's kinda scary.

Well that's all for today! Honestly I was surprised when someone told me to continue this. I started this because I was bored at 1 am but now I'm excited! I will be updating possible soon. Not tomorrow...maybe... we'll see.
That's it for today folks! See ya on the other side!

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