You're not my mom chp.3

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Charlie: You have some explaining to do.

You looked confused and shocked. What did she mean? Like damn, I just came home!

Y/n: Uhh, there's nothing to explain.

Charlie: You were with the Radio Demon! Surely there's something going on! He's a dangerous man! Don't go near him, you hear!

I don't know what her problem was. She's acting as if I kissed the man and acted as if I was a horny teen kissing her boyfriend.

Y/n: YOU'RE NOT MY MOM! Don't boss me around like a fucking teenager.

Charlie looked at me, visibly upset. She walked up to me and slapped me!

Goddamn. That fucking hurt.

Y/n: Ow! What the hell was that for?!

Charlie looked completely shocked if her own actions. She never had hit anyone. And she definitely never rose her voice at anyone. She snapped. Just because I was talking with Alastor. Damn. That wasn't so nice of her.

Y/n: You know what forget it. I'm leaving. I'm tired of you and Vaggie treating me as if I'm a young teenager! You both treat me different than Angle! You let him do what he wants! And you always babysit me!! We are fucking friends for crying out loud. Not a family! And we never will be one if you keep treating me will "special treatment"!

Charlie's eyes where tearing up. She tried to sputter our words but I just left. How can she keep disrespecting me? I work my ass off to keep hell's population normal! I work for her father for crying out loud!

As I walked out the door I heard Charlie bawling. I ran away from the place. I was sick and tired of her acting nice to everyone and giving me her "special treatment"! I don't want to go to Heaven! I want to stay here and be powerful! She's lucky I haven't killed her. Or else her father would have an audience for my punishment.


I just wanted to leave that place. I never had freedom. Only when I left for work. Since I'm all pissed off, I should just find something or someone to kill. After all I love collecting souls to make them work for me.

5 hours past.

I found a spot to sit at. I only have collected about 150 souls. I killed all those souls with my scythe. It had a black rod and was very shiny. I clean it every week. I have a habit for having my things clean and organized. The souls help me create more power. Sometimes I have them sacrifice themselves for me to get stronger. Alastor and I are the only ones to go to the human world to do our own thing. Lucifer only goes when some stupid human wants to make a deal. Yeah that'll only make them dead if they fuck up their ritual.

I wore a black suit jacket, black shorts  and shoes, a white dress shirt with a black tie. My jacket is very big on me, I'm only 5'4 and yeah It's big enough to the point where it looks like Alastor's.

As I was thinking to myself, Alastor appeared in front of me.

Alastor: My dear what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the Hotel?

I looked at him with a smile and basically just told him everything. As I told him what happened a few hours ago, I noticed that he was getting a bit upset.

I asked him:

Y/n: what's wrong?

Alastor: Charlie was being a....rude unlady like woman.

I laughed.

Y/n: Ahh, I suppose so. Hey, I have a question.

Alastor: Ask away my dear!

Y/n: Were you too born in the "vintage days"?

Alastor chuckled.

Al: Ah yes, those times were better than the new generation. Ah, how I miss those times. But I love hell. No more having to deal with humans!

I chuckled.

Al: Have you been born in those times?

Y/n: Ah yes, but I love being a demon because I get a break from the dresses and heals! Now I look bad ass in my own style.

Alastor smiled and nodded his head.

We kept on talking and talking about those times. And just overall got to know each other better. I loved talking to Alastor.  I don't know what will happen for us over time but I hope it's good.

Y/n: Did you know I'm Demiromantic?

Al: Oh?

Y/n: Yes. I can't love someone unless there is romance or sexual activity between me and my other person.

Alastor thought to himself. And then gently smiled. I stared and though how I would wish what he was thinking.

Al: I want to tell you something. Remember when we first met? And how I had killed a couple, and told you they had what I wanted?

Y/n: Yes. I remember. What about that?

Al: Well what they had and I didn't was...

Cliffhanger! Haha. Anyways yeah, I updated this so soon than I thought. But I hope to update this soon again!

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