chapter two

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As soon as he got to his next class Yoongi heard whispers of the new kid, what even was the big deal about him? He thought of asking someone, his way of talking made people always responded to him with a little difficulty.
He looked for someone that seem to talk about him, "Hey there, do you know anything about the new kid, I heard a lot about him but don't really know anything for myself?"
The person turned around and looked up, she blushed and spoke, "W-well, he's really good at dancing from what I heard, this kid from the dance class said he killed the others, oh! And supposedly he's really hot." Her friend nodded and said, "Yeah I saw him at the hallways, he's like really hot."
  They went back to talking and Yoongi left, He needed to see this new kid again, he felt like he didn't get to see his face that well, of course the soul purpose of this was to see if he was actually that hot.

Hoseok was a nerve wreck, he was at his dance class and the teacher picked him to, ' show his talent '. He didn't want to embarrass himself, especially on the first day of school, and at a new school at that.
He sighed, Well, here goes nothing.
With the music finally starting, he went on to, as the teacher said, ' show his talent '. The music stopped and there was a minute of silence, he coughed then heard whispers and clapping.
"Well, Jung Hoseok, I am very impressed." The dance teacher, Mr. Park, said as he stolled his way to Hoseok.
"Well, thank you sir."
He heard someone walk torwards him, it was Jungkook, "Wow, I knew you were good, but damn." He let out an impressed whistle.
Hoseok blushed slightly, and started to speak, "Y-yeah, well, thanks"
"I was going to ask you this earlier, but, would you like to sit with me and my friends at lunch?"
  He was definitely suprised, it wasn't  normal for someone to ask HIM, to eat lunch with them, he thought of a response, "um, yeah, o-of course, I would love to."
"Cool, see you then!" Jungkook then trotted away to his friend group.

  Maybe this year will be great!  He thought to himself.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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