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Publishing this as I'm waiting for SuperM to perform lmao

  I looked at Mrs.Han with utter confusion. "I'm sorry but, I've been talking to him for months now..? From his window..", she noticed that I began getting panicky and tried to calm me down.

  "He came back didn't he.. and he tricked you that he was alive, huh?", all I could do was nod. With a deep breath, I ran past Mrs.Han and tried to find where his bedroom was. Once I reached it, I collapsed on my knees and everything hit me. For some sick reason, my mind made me expect to see him.

  "I'm so sorry about this Minho, I really am. Jisung was tied to this house since he passed in it, and he was really happy that he met someone who could see him. I bet he got too carried away and made it seem like he was a real, living person. I know my boy wouldn't have ill intent and trick you to purposefully make you sad, I hope you know. Since you had no clue about this, he must have been really good at hiding who he really was."

  "Why did he do this? What happened to him?", I asked cautiously, as if I was afraid of the answer. She led me to the living room and offered me tea.

"He may have told you, but Jisung was bullied horribly from elementary school. He was like a target, that for some reason everyone wanted to hit. He didn't deserve it, no one did. That along with the pain he suffered after witnessing his father commit suicide, he had a really hard time. He was so fragile and sensitive, and he fell into dark places too many times. He didn't have anyone to support him but me. I tried to keep him here, I really did."

   I nodded with understanding, while my heart was shattering. I responded after a while,"This is just so much for me and I'm having trouble believing this.. but now that I think about it, I'm realizing that you may be right."

  I thought of all the possible ways that this whole thing could be.. making sense. "You know, Jisung looked.. extra surprised when I first talked to him, and he used all kind of excuses when I asked if I could go to him. Also, he said he missed you, which I thought was weird because you live in the same house. He told me how he didn't go to school, but now I know it's not just because of bullying.", I said as a light-bulb turned on in my head.

My eyes widened when I remembered how you told me you were eighteen when we met, but you also turned the same age on your birthday. You didn't use new technology, I thought it was just that you couldn't afford it. But then, you didn't even know what a cellphone was. I got it, you were stuck in time.

"I'm sorry, is it alright if I go back home?", I asked Mrs.Han, and she nodded but offered me to bring some food home. I didn't leave without thanking her, and she told me I could visit whenever I would like. I didn't want to be surrounded in a sad atmosphere, but it was even worse back home. As I stumbled back into my house, I regretted coming back. I felt so suffocated, I wanted to run far away.

My parents were very concerned when I came back with red eyes and tear stains, stumbling in with weak legs. They asked what happened and I all I said was,"something happened to Jisung." They looked at me weird but told me things like "I hope he is okay" or "he'll be alright", but it's not okay.

After a while, I decided I needed to sleep and the tough living room couch wouldn't cut it. I wanted to see your face more than ever, I began to wish that you remained as some ghost or something rather than not being here at all.

After taking a shower, I retreated back to my bedroom, ready to knock out at any moment.

It could have been how tired I was, or I could have been going crazy, but I swear I saw you sitting on the edge of my bed, smiling wide.

Well it's over! Again, hope you enjoyed and thank you so much for reading!! ❤️🥺❤️Hopefully this chapter cleared things up~

Also,, if you want,, check out my Stray Kids one-shot book?🥺🥺

I love you <3

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