🔹(North Korea)🔹

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”Never smiled

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”Never smiled.“
North Korea x Reader


North Korea.
You've heard from you're best friend south Korea that he told you north never even smiled.
Well , he smiled of evilness. But not smiled like a good way , and beside, last time he smiled was... I don't know...7 years ago?

You hangout in South and North's
House because it's yours and souths number one place to hangout.

You sometimes see north walking by. South always greeted him with a wave or a hello. North glared or maybe rolled his eyes. Or  maybe like saying ”Fuck off“ or ”Whatever.“

We are kinda used to this. But when you said hello and waved at him if he passes by , he looked at you and blushed and then look away , continuing his track. You're confused about this but shrug it off.


”boy with luv!“
South korea singed.
He made the volume up so you could hear it too.
”Let me guess ,  boy with luv by bts?“
You guessed.
”Bingo! You got it!“
You playfully rolled you're eyes and continue to draw. South and you are drawing. South didn't want it to be quite so he played boy with luv in his phone for the silent asmophere to disappear.
You didn't mind it tho. You kinda         love k-pops more because south Korea now.

Now , maybe you're asking , best friends turns to lovers at the end right? And you would think that south and you are gonna be lovers? Well my friends ,
He is dating someone right now , you actually didn't mind it because you ship both of them.
His lover is actually Indo.

(Omfg lol . Sorry . If anyone is in relationship , the paring must be with Indo . I'm not gonna stop)

You are great friends with indonesia actually. He is pretty shy when he met new people but hey , when he knows you better , he is actually pretty bubbly and energetic. You sometimes catch him almost killing Netherlands with his bamboo. South Korea stopped him whenever he is doing it so , neth is still alive tho.

You snapped out of you're thoughts when you hear a door slammed shut in the upstairs. South is startled about that too , you hear footsteps coming down the stairs and then you see..
Of course , North Korea.
”South this is the fucking second time. Shut that fucking music up or I'll do it myself!“
South frowned , he wants to defend himself but he knows what's gonna happen next.
South turns the volume down till it's muted.


”Hey S.K , could we force N.K to Hangout with us?“
You asked. Indo , south , and you are in souths room , planning to go outside to hangout somewhere else. Indo isn't gonna come because he'll go home after the discussion.
”Y/N is right , I feel like he never comes out of the house.“
indonesia said in approval.
South look at you
”But you'll do it.“
You groaned.
You stand up , Indo stands up as well.
”I'll go home now before my big bro and my father be worried of me.“
Indo said and started walking to Souths door.
South quickly stands up and grabbed Indos wrist
”Not even a goodbye kiss?“
Indo looked up to him
”oh yeah , I forgot“
South bend down a bit because south is hella tall compared to Indo the shorty. Indo kissed him in the lips and open the door.
”Bye guys!“
Indo said and closed the door.
You smirked of the action but frowned when you needed to force north.
You walk to the door and open it.
”Good luck y/n , if he starts doing what i didn't want then scream alright?“
South asked , you look at him and smiled and nodded.
”I'll scream if I get the chance.“
You closed the door and start heading to North's room.


North opens the door.
”WHAT again south!?—“
He look at you thinked it's south.
”Oh , uhm sorry I thought it was south. W-what d-do you want?“
He crossed his arms like he is trying to act strong or badass.
”Well i wanna ask you if you want to hangout with me ,“
”And south korea.“
He frowned when he hears his own brother coming as well.
You smiled.
That was easy.

North's POV
My own brother is coming as well? Damn it! But I gotta still accept to hangout with Y/N and south tho. It's my chance to talk to her , she's pretty different from the others so I'm curious..


”Hey south , North accept on hanging out with us!“
Y/n said.
South look at y/n and then me with a suprised face.
I rolled my eyes , ugh it's like he never even see me. Why was he my brother again?
”Wow that's unexpected!“
South said in a suprised and happy tone. Yeah whatever.
I rolled my eyes again and keep my face uninterested.
”Well what are we waiting for?“
South said and grabbed my waist and y/n's waist and drag us outside.
”South the fuck!? Calm down you imbecile!“
I said , really annoyed.
South ignored me and kept dragging us to who the hell where.

”the park?“
”Yes north! It's me and y/n's second favorite place to hangout!“
South said in still his happy tone.
Y/n smiled.
”Yeah , the park is like a breathtaking place.“

I just kept my hands crossed to wait for anything to happen next.

No one's POV
South and y/n talked for awhile while north is just being quite and hear their conversation and sometimes doze off thinking whatever he is thinking.

”Hey get back here!“
Y/N said and Chase south.
South laughed and kept running around.
North looked at this action.

He smiled.

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