When Blood Pours From The Mouth.

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*warning. This story will contain gore, blood, depression and possibly death.*

(Bakugous P.O.V)

I woke up that morning feeling as I always did....like absolute shit.... I got out my bed and checked my phone. Ever since that sludge villain people hadn't been treating me kindly and the whole fiasco with the L.O.V had increased it 10 fold. Every day there seemed to be a new blog, post, or even article on how I could never be a hero....even some going as far as to say I should just become a villain. I rubbed my eyes, trying to keep my composure as I sluggishly got dressed for class. It was monday....god I hate mondays.... I slammed my door behind me, angrily stomping through the halls. I slowed a bit as my throat became scratchy. I simply shrugged it off and made my way to class. I sat in my usual seat, in front of that green haired nerd. I rubbed my throat, feeling the same scratchy feeling as before. I was feeling more and more irritable that day, the nerds mumbling and the late teacher was doing nothing to help calm my nerves.

Eventually getting sick of the mumbling I snapped. I quickly stood and turned, throwing his notebook before flipping his desk.

"Shut your damn mouth!!!" I shouted before clutching my chest in a fit of coughs. Deku stood up, watching me intently as was everyone else in the room. Even the lazy teacher was immediately at my side when the coughing got worse. With a few gasps for air I was finally able to calm down. I tiredly sat back in my seat and ensured the teacher that I was fine.

When everything calmed down aizawa had started class. Nothing to difficult for me. Just a few notes here and there plus the text and then finally a bonus question with an exit slip.  The class pushed and shoved as every hungry student started towards the cafeteria. I got pushed a few times but always pushed back harder. For the first time however, I fell behind. I kneeled to the ground as I coughed violently. Everyone had already left the hall. Feeling something in my throat I quickly made it to the restroom as I started coughing more. It was rough and it hurt but with in a matter of seconds, blood was pouring out of my mouth. I felt panicked and scared but couldn't stop coughing. I held my throat as I cried, still coughing until a few flower petals fell out of my mouth. I had finally calmed down a bit. I knew from the flower petal what was plaguing my body.....I had caught hanahaki. Feeling scared of telling anyone I washed the blood off in the bathroom sink and flushed everything else down the toilet. I sighed as my body shook slightly. I tried my best to still my shaking as I left towards the cafeteria.  I nervously walked in, hoping to not draw to much attention to myself. To my luck everyone seemed to mind their own business.

I got my food before quickly sitting in my spot next to kirishima. I didn't say anything, just ate. That is until kirishima patted my shoulder.

"Hmm?" I looked at him, slightly nervous. Kirishima just smiled at me and I knew I had missed something the other had said.  I quickly tried to figure it out but my thoughts were disturbed by a certain half n half boy plopping down across from me. I pulled my legs into my seat as I stared at the other. I eventually determined that the other wanted to say something but was holding back. I discreetly looked away as I finished my food. After lunch ended all the students headed towards their afternoon classes. I was headed to do the same until todoroki pulled me aside and convinced me to skip that class. Come to think of it...he wasnt in the morning classes either.... todoroki pulled me to a secluded section of an abandoned hall. He rubbed the back of his neck, almost nervously.

"So....in the bathroom..." he said sounding as if he were about to choke on his own words. He didn't have to say anything more as I realized....todoroki was there.....he heard... he saw...

I immediately felt panicked as I quickly looked around. He tried to assure me that if I wished it he wouldn't tell anyone.

"Of course you wouldn't! It doesnt concern you!!!" I half shouted. After having shouted I coughed harshly.

"So you're....in love with someone?" He said, trying to think it through as he rubbed his throat, feeling slightly agitated.

"I...I just....I just wanted the world to love me...." he choked as he cried softly. At my notion it almost seemed as if todoroki was holding back something. He held me in his arms as he rubbed my back. I hated it....I hated being pitied and treated as a weakling....but at the same time...I felt as though I needed it. It felt nice to have someone care for me. At the thought I felt some of the scratchy feeling in my throat subside. So I allowed him to comfort me. Once I had calmed down I looked around slightly awkward before softly hitting his shoulder.

"If you tell anyone about any of this! Then... I'll kill ya..." I threatened slightly awkwardly. He slightly laughed as he saluted me.

"Yes, sir!" He teased as he made light of the threat. We stood in silence for a moment before todoroki offered to walk me to my dorm. I accepted his small offer and we headed towards the dorms.

Half way down the hall to my dorm I got a notification. Checking my phone, I saw it was another one of those stupid articles. I started reading up on it not noticing the glances from the other.  I started to slightly cough subconsciously as I read. That is until todoroki snatched my phone. He exited out of it all and turned the notifocations off.

"Let's focus on your health for now...." he prompted as he handed me my phone back. We came to a stop in front of my door.

"...well....this is my stop...." I laughed awkwardly.  He smiled as he slightly looked at the ground.

"Take care of yourself, stupid...." he said before turning  to leave. I waited til he left before quickly entering my room....

What the hell....is this feeling.....

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