Setting Their Plans

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A/N: Dunno  how I'm going to do this story after we deal with Fay'lin. (Don't worry  to much, we've got at least 7 more chapters to go- chapters 8 and 9  will be particularly shocking.) Like, I could make it a story  that never really ends or something. I don't quite like that idea, but  it would be better than starting a new story and forgetting about it  when that creative spark (no pun intended) dies. Start a debate about it  in the comments, I won't be mad.



Fay'lin never bothered to learn her underlings' names. Why bother? They were not her friends, and so many of them were too incompetent to live past the next sunrise. There had even been a rumor, not so long ago, that she only hired the most unluckiest of Mobians- ones who were destined to die regardless of their stature. It wasn't even remotely a secret among her ranks that she purposely sent others just to die in an open field by some lunatic. It was with a near perfect accuracy too; no one would survive if Fay'lin wanted them dead.

Well... except for one.

That one Mobian, the very one that helped Sonic the Hedgehog defeat Doctor Eggman and his creation Infinite, had only served to be a thorn in Fay'lin's side. It was like the thing refused to die. It was because of Fay'lin that their team had died, knowingly placing them in the way of Infinite's wrath just so she, herself, could make a break for it. What she didn't count on was for Infinite to leave a survivor behind- what she now recognized had been his calling card and another pain to her side.

When Fay'lin wanted someone to die, they will die. There were no exceptions. All she needed now was some time to prepare- even the best made assassins were not above a tactical rendezvous with their next target...

. . .

"So you think you can do it Tails?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" the yellow dual-tailed fox snorted. "It's just a simple OS upgrade with a slightly different interface to display a holographic dual screen!"

Sonic had not understood a single word his friend had said, but gave a nod of understanding regardless.

"How long do you think it will take?" he then decided to ask. His foot was started to tap at this point, to no insult intended toward Tails.

"A week?" his friend guessed. "Maybe a little longer than that; I've got other projects I need to work on too."

"Take your time buddy." Sonic urged. "I don't think she's going to be admitted for another month."

This was when Tails looked at his friend in confusion. "She?" he asked before suddenly remembering something. "Oh! You mean-"

"Yeah." Sonic nodded. "Her."

"Have you found anything else about her?"
"Nope. Nothing."

"Nothing?" Tails repeated with no attempt to hold back his surprise. "As in, absolutely nothing in all that searching you've done?"

"The very same." Sonic agreed with an annoyed huff. He folded his arms in thought before going on, "I've searched all the towns I've come across and no one seemed to recognize her. Then there's that person she said was her boss, Fay'lin, I've managed to get Rouge to help but I have yet to hear back from her. It's really bugging me that no one even knows who she is, Tails."

"Who? Our friend or the person she used to work with?"

Sonic looked up at his friend with a grave expression. "Both." he admitted. "I think I can get our buddy talking if her nurse will let me take on her out for half a day or so; just some time to get away from everything. Maybe a picnic, I dunno."

"A... picnic?" Tails repeated with some humor to his voice. He was ignored for the time being as Sonic went on.

"Then there's that whole deal with that Fay'lin chick. The fact that we can't find her is worse than not knowing a friend's name. Do you think you could figure something out Tails? If anyone is able to find that kind of stuff..."

"It would be Rouge." Tails smirked. "I'm a tech guy, just not that kind of tech. Not usually."

Sonic turned to his friend and gave him a friendly pat on the back. "And you're good at it pal. Keep me updated on anything you might find, alright?"

"You know it." Tails agreed. Giving his friend a thumbs up of approval, Sonic was out the door within the next heartbeat.

After meeting up with Tails, Sonic went ahead with the rest of his agenda and tried to find his hunt down friend's nurse. He started by the hospital rooms- it was with some measure of surprise and amusement that he saw Shadow there instead. The familiar brooding hedgehog leaning against the wall with his arms folded, right next to the entrance to the rookie's room; he seemed to be resting, or at the very most, he seemed secure enough to close his eyes.

"Hey Shadow!" Sonic hollered, wanting to get the other's attention more than keeping to himself. Shadow flinched, coming out of whatever peace he had, and turned to glare at the blue blur.

"You know," the younger of the two then went on to tease, "They do allow parents and legal guardians to stay in the room with the patient. Unless you're stalking her, of course, then we may have to duke it out right here and now."

Shadow gave his rival an unblinking glare as Sonic went into a friendly fighting stance. The dark colored hedgehog eventually rolled his eyes to retort, "I'm not stalking her."

"Then what are you doing?"

For this, Shadow turned his attention away from Sonic. After a few moments he admitted, "I'm waiting."

"For what?"

"For you to leave." came the answer with a delivery so quick and precise that Sonic was almost impressed. But it was effective, and the young hedgehog certainly got the message.

"I plan on coming by later anyway," Sonic mused with a wave of his hand. "Just don't do anything that will catch the nurses' attention. Or touch her at all, for that matter."

To this, Shadow gave an indignant huff. "Almost sounds like you like her." he mused. There was a flicker of something in his smirk after that; humor, maybe, or irony.

"She's my friend," Sonic said to him, honest and sincere, "And no one hurts my friends."

. . .

Dark colored plumage was an admirable attribute to a Mobian dedicated to staying in the shadows. Fay'lin took extensive care of her dark violet, red, and black feathers- she took better care of them than the unfortunate Mobians that belonged in her 'care'. Even now, as she stood just out of earshot to a conversation between Sonic the Hedgehog and some nurse, Fay'lin found herself picking off flakes of dust that landed on her beautiful feathers. How was this considered a hospital when everything was just so dusty?

Her waning patience was rewarded, however, as Sonic and the nurse gave her the exact details she was waiting for.

"I want to take her out some place quiet. Somewhere where she can relax a bit, you follow?"

"But where are you going to take her Mr. Sonic? Green Hill is still sandy, Metropolis is still undergoing major repairs..."

There was a small silence as the blue hedgehog thought it over. "Christmas Island." he decided.

"Isn't it awfully cold there?"

Sonic shook his head. "The opposite; it's a nature preserve now. It'll be quiet and we can be back in a few hours. But we're not going now, I want Tails to do something to our friend's watch first."

A small silence followed as the nurse thought it through. She must have seen nothing wrong with it because she said, "As long as you two are back before sundown (on this continent), then you can go."

Fay'lin gave a wide, sinister smile as she left her hiding place. That was all she needed to hear to finally set her plan into motion.

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